4 Tip’s On Purchasing Your Daughter’s First Bra

Recently this mama has entered unknown territory.  I had a mom from church come up to me and told me my 9 year old daughter needed to wear a bra. I was stunned and yet I appreciated her comment. She is a mom of 7 kids and 5 of them are girls so I took her comment as a loving tip.  Did my daughter need to wear a bra?  I had no clue.  I have 2 girls and have not had to experience this yet but maybe it was time. She did not look like she needed a bra.  I started to pay closer attention to how her clothes wear fitting her and yep she needed to start wearing a bra!


I flashed back to when I was 10 years old and my mom took me to J Byrons (do you remember them? I am dating myself because they are no longer around) and she purchased me my 1st training bras.  I was excited to get to wear a bra but my daughter not so much.  When I told her that it was time to wear a bra she cried. She did not want to wear a bra.  OK, I get it sometimes it’s not comfortable but I explained to her that she is growing up and her body is changing. That did not work so now what? I wanted to make it a pleasant experience for her. So I made it a mom and daughter day out with her.  Just her and I, we went out for a bite to eat and went bra shopping for her. She is like me, she likes to shop so she was on board.  OK, whew! 

Bra’s have come along way. When my mom purchased my 1st bra is was boring white and scratchy. Now bra’s are soft, light, they come pretty colors and patterns. Plus they come in cool styles! So her and I picked out a few bras in different sizes and styles. We wound up leaving with 6 bras.  I cannot say it is easy after she has worn a bra for a month because it hasn’t. She has tried to leave the house without wearing one because she dislikes wearing them.  As time goes on I think she will get used to it. 


Tip’s On Purchasing Your Daughter’s First Bra:


Pay attention to your daughter’s developing body.  At 1st I was embarrassed that I did not notice that my daughter needed a bra but  I was thankful that a sweet mom cared enough to say something to me. 


Be sympathetic.  Not all girls, like mine want to wear a bra.  Let’s face it they can be uncomfortable.  Do not make fun or point out the lack of their breasts or abundance of breasts. You want your daughter to feel comfortable in her own body. Do NOT compare her to other girls! 


Make bra shopping fun.   Sometimes having 6 kids is difficult to do one on one outings but I insisted that this be special.  This was a date for just her and I.  I could just focus on her and her needs. 


Grab a bite to eat before or after shopping and discuss the changes their bodies are going through.  I know it’s sad to see our little girl’s growing up but we need to talk to them and let them know that it’s all part of growing into a young woman.  After we ate I sat and talked to my daughter about her body and how special it was. How she was created in God’s image and these changes are normal. Afterwards I prayed with her and told her that she could always come to me with questions.  

I highly recommend the following books. They are great resources for mom and daughter. 

Not-So-Silly Questions About Your Body The Ultimate Girls’ Body Book

American Girl The Care and Keeping of You The Body Book For Younger Girls Book. 

Have you had to purchase your daughter’s 1st bra yet? If so how did it go and what tips can you add?


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  1. These are great tips. When we first started shopping for bras, I tried to make it as fun and stress-free for my daughter as possible. It’s an exciting time for a girl, but it can also be very daunting.

  2. My friends little girl is just starting to get to the stage. It’s kind of funny though because she has been wanting to wear a bra for a long time even though she has not needed it. I will have to tell my friend about what you said here and the books you recommend.

  3. robin rue says:

    If I remember correctly, mine popped out over night pretty much and getting & wearing a bra wasn’t an option. I started with a sports bra because it was much more comfortable than a regular bra.

  4. I remember when one of my older daughters needed to start wearing a bra. When I went to talk to her, she got mad and yelled “I will NEVER wear a bra.” She’s 21 now and regularly wears a bra, but those early days can be trying. All of my other daughters were excited about wearing a bra. And we love the American Girl book “The Care and Keeping of You”. Such a great age-appropriate book.”

  5. Amy Desrosiers says:

    My daughter started wearing a bra this year. She is hardly developed but I figured it would be a good time to start!

  6. maria closetohme says:

    OMG I totally remember doing this . She is now 17 and would never want me to buy her one now

  7. These are great tips! My daughter will need one soon. I just bought her that American Girl book and we are going to read it together.

  8. Keikilani says:

    This is such a great topic to talk about. I love that you shared. I have twin girls that I know someday I will need this.

  9. I have three daughters so I been through this! Great tips!

  10. These are really awesome tips! I think it’s really important that they understand what are the changes happening to their bodies.

  11. Catalina says:

    It’s not my case but I think it could be a nice mom-daughter moment! Thanks for sharing this!

  12. I remember that first shopping trip! My daughter was so embarrassed but excited st the same time.

  13. Ruth I says:

    Oh, I had a not so pleasant experience when I needed to wear a bra the first time. I wish my Mom is as supportive to teach me things. These are great tips!

  14. Annemarie LeBlanc says:

    I remember when I got my first bra. It was my mom who bought it and I did not like it. It was very uncomfortable to wear. The next time she bought some, I made sure I was with her to choose what I wanted. When it was time for me to buy my daughter her first bra, I made sure it was soft and comfortable to wear and offered the right support for a young girl.

  15. Heather says:

    Great article, thanks for sharing. This isn’t a fun topic but it’s an important one!

  16. I remember on my 10th birthday being so excited on getting my first training bras (because I was excited to get boobs lol). These designs are so cute!

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