Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day . Many people aren’t aware that this day has been designated a national day of remembrance for miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. If you have lost a baby I am sure you can relate to the pain and heartache. It is a pain that I struggle with daily.
Ten years ago my husband and I lost our second baby to miscarriage and then two years ago we lost baby seven to a miscarriage.
Knowing that these two precious babies are not in my arms is painful but it is comforting to know they are in the arms of Jesus and one day I will see them. I keep them alive in my heart by thinking about them and by celebrating knowing that they are a life created by God. A life that God placed inside my womb. Like my other six babies, these two babies are special and they always will be.
How can we honor the babies that we have lost?
Our two miscarriage babies passed away at 10 weeks and 13 weeks. When my husband and I found out we were pregnant with both of these babies we did choose a few names for them so when we lost them we did decide to give them names.
My rainbow baby (the baby I had after my first miscarriage) wanted to do a little monument in our new home for our miscarriage babies. So I had him pick out a pretty plant which we planted in our garden along with a memory cross.
To honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day light light a candle at 7 p.m. today, October 15th in your time zones to create a wave of light around the world in memory of babies lost to pregnancy and infant loss.
How do you honor your baby that has passed?

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