Even though I have been homeschooling for 5 years this past year I learned the most in my years of schooling. I learned that it’s okay if a curriculum doesn’t work for your children and to switch mid steam. The biggest thing I learned was to take breaks. I homeschool year round and I was burned out so we took breaks. I am going into the new homeschool year with a different outlook. Be more flexible, if it doesn’t work change it, need a break take it because the work will get done.
My family went to a homeschool convention in Orlando months ago and prior to going I did quite a bit of research on the curriculum to use this year because this year I will have 3 to homeschool! Many ask what curriculum I use so I will share it with you. I do not do boxed curriculum, my style is more eclectic. I use what I think my kids will respond to.
Here are the choices my husband and I chose:
Math – Math U See (Primer)
Handwriting – Handwriting Without Tears
Science – Bugs to Bunnies (CO-OP)
All day Co-op: Bugs to Bunnies, Lego’s, Geography & PE
History – Little Pilgrims in God’s World
Bible – Gotta Have God Devotions, Awana’s Sparks, Community Bible Study
Language – Abeka Letters & Sounds
Other – Kids Choir (church)
2nd Grade
Math – Math U See (Beta)
Spelling – Rod & Staff
Science – Apologia Anatomy (CO-OP)
Student Jr. Journal
All day Co-op: Apologia Anatomy, Lego’s, Geography & PE
History – Abeka Our America
Bible – Awana’s Sparks, Community Bible Study
Handwriting – Handwriting Without Tears
Reading: Hooked on Phonics, Abeka Readers & Little Champion Readers
Language – Rod & Staff English 2
Other: Karate, Flag Football & Soccer
4th Grade
Math – Math U See Delta
History – Mystery of History 1
Spelling – Rod & Staff
Language Rod & Staff English 4
Science – Apologia Anatomy (CO-OP)
Student Jr. Journal
All day Co-op: Apologia Anatomy, Lego’s, Geography & PE
Handwriting – Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Success
Bible – Awana’s TNT, Community Bible Study
Other – Karate, Flag Football & Soccer
For my little ones stay tuned I have Montessori activities for my 3 year old and baby that I will share with you.
What curriculum are you using this year?
Mama to 5 Blessings is also linking this post at:
Tuesday: Linda’s Lunacy, // Thursday: Enchanted Homeschooling Mom // Friday: Living Life Intentionally, Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers,Homeschool Creations // Saturday: I Can Teach My Child

That looks like a great collection of resources for homeschooling. I haven’t homeschooled yet, but it’s a consideration.
Looks like a good plan for the year. Love that Bugs to Bunnies book, I’d love to see that in real life. I wonder if it’s available around here.
This will be our first year homeschooling anything other than preschool… So far I am piecing my curriculum together. We’ll see how it goes!
That’s great that you’re homeschooling your kids! It seems like with all the issues plaguing public schools that more and more parents are choosing to go this route.
I’ll be sure to share your post with my friends who opt to homeschool their children!
Looks like you have a busy year ahead! My kids have hit their teen year and I don’t even understand half of what they are learning in school. Homeschooling can be challenging!
I have a high admiration for homeschooling moms. If I could go back and start all over I would probably do the same thing, but now my kids are almost out of school and I could never do it now.
What a fabulous post! Thank you for sharing. I love that you homeschool.
Looks like you will be busy! I hope you have a successful school year!
This is a great curriculum. Looks like they will be learning tons!
We don’t homeschool but those look like great learning tools. My children are in the same grades as yours.
I know several families that love and live by the Little Champion Reader sets. Looks like you have a great foundation down for everyone!
Oh my goodness, what a helpful post. We have been discussing homeschooling and this is awesome. Thanks so much
My friend home schools her 2 children. I will have to share this curriculum with her, I’m sure she would love the additional ideas.
Looks like it’s going to be a great year!
I don’t know much about homeschooling but it looks like you have it all figured out. I bet your kiddos will be learning so much this year!
These are wonderful curriculum choices! I have been homeschooling for 8 years and we have switched mid year more than once! This year we will be using the Easy Peasy curriculum. 🙂
I saw another bloggers homeschool curriculum and it looked very similar to yours. I am thinking of homeschooling my toddler when she’s a bit older so thanks for the linky with the awesome resources.
I have used a lot of Apologia curriculum while Homeschooling my two kids. We did an eclectic approach too, because what worked for one subject didn’t always work for another!
Wow, these look like great curriculums you have planned out. You’re a busy lady!
You have a great year ahead of you, by the looks of it. Hope you have a blast!
I totally admire you… This sounds and looks like an amazing curriculum.. in case you need some extra students, I could.. send my 6 year old 🙂 … Thanks for sharing and good luck in the new School year
Looks like a great curriculum, and I’m sure your kids will learn a ton this year.
Thanks for sharing your curriculum! We don’t homeschool but I’m considering it for this year, I know its kind of late in the game since a lot of people homeschool year round or have already started their school year.
That’s quite a collection of text books. I don’t know much about homeschooling, but I’m glad to see the curriculum is so complete. It’s pretty awesome.
Thanks for sharing your list of curricula! My daughter will be of kindergarten age soon and it helps for first-time homeschoolers like me to know the various curricula and recommendations.
I love that you use a Christian curriculum and teach your kids all about God! I wish all schools did the same these days because we need it.
I’ve never had first had experience with home schooling, but I know many people that have! Thanks for the great post!
My friend just started homeschooling. I have to see if she knows about this set.
My son is starting Kindergarten late, so I’m really thinking about starting a small homeschool curriculum at home. I think it would really help him stay challenged.
These look like awesome curriculum choices! I think homeschooling is a great idea for some kids!
Looks like great learning is going on in your house this year.