Fun Ways To Share Baby’s Gender With Loved Ones #Pregnancy

Last Thursday I had my 2nd ultrasound. I was thankful that my husband got to work from home that day and I got to go to the ultrasound by myself. Normally I have to bring my 5 kids with me because my husband is at work. I got to savor the time watching the baby move, watching the heart beat, etc. without worrying about my other little ones sitting there waiting for me.  Going in we did not know the sex of the baby. I had an inclining, surprising I was right. 


I knew no matter the sex of the baby I had to plan how I would tell the kids the gender.  This being my last pregnancy I had to do something different, something fun, something we would remember. I searched on-line for different ideas, heard ideas from friends and came up with a fun way to tell them. I had to make sure their reaction was on video. 


Here you go….. This is what we did! 

On my way home from the ultrasound I stopped at the craft store and bought it’s a girl pink ribbon and tied it around my pregnant tummy.  Then I put a bath robe on and at the right time revealed the gender of their sibling. 

baby gender reveal

Their reactions were priceless. My oldest son thought I was announcing that we were going to have twins which by the way he was wrong, whew!  My 6 year old daughter was thrilled because she was going to have another sister, my 5 year old son said it was no fair and cried because he wanted another brother (as if 2 were not enough). So now it’s even 3 boys, 3 girls.  My neighbor told me that soon I would be a mom to a 1/2 a dozen kids – wow I never thought of it that way! 

baby gender reveal

Some other fun ways to reveal baby’s gender to loved ones:


Pinata Cake by Sweet & Savory

Pull String Pinata by Funny / Beautiful

Paint Covered Hands by Double the Batch

Balloons In Bags by Life Your Way

Gender Cupcake Reveal by Dessert Now Dinner Later

Bubble Gum Reveal by Let Me See You Sparkle Photography 

Gender Reveal Play-Doh by I Can Teach My Child

Confetti Cannon by MomTastic Life 


How did you share your baby’s gender with loved ones?  What was the reaction? 



  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I didn’t do anything special when I found out my kids gender. I just called my mom & MIL from the hospital the day I found out and told them.

  2. I love this idea! 🙂 I wan’t quite so creative with my three! I did have the ultrasound tech write down the gender and put it in a sealed envelope so my husband and I could find out together! Although, I was pretty sure all 3 were girls…and it came to be! lol

    • Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

      I wasn’t creative, either. My husband was with me when I found out, so he knew when I did. Now that I see what she did, I feel lame 🙁 LOL.

  3. The ribbon is a cute idea! That is something I’ll have to do with my next child. We’ve moved away from home so, sharing a photo like this will be a lot of fun!

  4. What a cute idea! My daughter filled a box with balloons to reveal the gender to her grandparents.

  5. Well we chose to be surprosed when our daughter was born, but I do love these gender reveal parties that people are having lately.

  6. When I was pregnant with Bella I didn’t really do a lot of things like sharing what we were having if people asked I simply said a girl. I would have loved to gotten creative but I shared my sonogram with my family and friends I was so excited.

  7. So cute! It’s amazing how creative people have gotten about revealing their baby’s gender.

  8. This was a really clever way of making the announcement! The ribbon is really cute. You should save it.

  9. Oh, how fun! Hopefully one day I’ll get to do fun things like this 🙂 Congratulations!

  10. That ribbon was an adorable idea. I love creative baby announcements and gender announcements. They’re so much fun.

  11. I was so excited to tell everyone when I was having my baby girl! Wish I had thought of some cute ideas to do the reveal.

  12. Well how sweet is that: To announce with the ribbon. Adorable idea. One of my friend’s daughters is pregnant; I will show her this.

  13. Super cute! I never did the gender reveal thing, but I wish I had.

  14. I didn’t do anything special when my kids’ genders were revealed. I love all the new ideas that keep coming out on how to reveal the gender. Congrats on your newest addition. I wish you and baby all the best.

  15. What a cute idea. I didn’t do anything fancy to announce the genders of my kids.

  16. Aw I saw the little one’s tears. He’ll be thrilled with a little sister though, I’m sure, the very second she gets here. Congrats to you!

  17. Melissa M says:

    haha love the boys reactions! I just found out I am pregnant with baby #4! It was a complete surprise as I was suppose to be getting a tubal done on Jan 28th!! We have 3 boys now and I would love a little girl! But boy or girl as long as it is healthy that is all that matters. I’ve already been looking on pinterst on how to reveal the gender. Congrats on that little girl!

  18. What a cute way to announce to the kids that they’re having a baby sister! Congratulations.

  19. Such a cute idea to express your joy with that beautiful looking ribbon to your loved ones, which will be so much fun for sure. Such creative announcements could always be a surprise as well as exciting to the loved ones.

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