Being pregnant can be an exciting and an emotional time. There is so much to know! Then there is the unsolicited advise plus preparing for the new bundle of joy as they make their way into this world. I have learned new things with each pregnancy but honestly it can be overwhelming. So how can women be prepared for this new journey?
First and foremost take care yourself. Making sure you get enough sleep, eating a proper diet, taking prenatal vitamins, drinking enough water and exercise. All of this while trying not to gain unhealthy pounds.
Prenatal care is essential. Not only will your OBGYN be taking care of your needs but your baby’s needs as well during the pregnancy.
Prepare which, covers taking care of what the baby will need once born. As a new mom what you will need such as nursing clothes, as well as gaining knowledge of your options such as breastfeeding versus formula, cord blood banking, cloth diapering verses disposable and so on.
Seven years ago when my husband and I were pregnant with our daughter we heard about cord blood banking for the first time . My OBGYN had handed us some information to read on the subject which we read and discussed. We decided to read more about it and in the end we made the decision to have Viacord collect and store our baby’s cord blood.
If you are not familiar with the cord blood banking process, it’s really simple. ViaCord collects the remaining blood from the newborn’s umbilical cord which contains young stem cells that have the power to help heal such as serious diseases. Cord blood banking has been used in the treatment of nearly 80 diseases, including certain cancers and genetic diseases as well as blood disorders. Watch ViaCord’s quick Cord Blood 101 to see how it works.
My husband and I did not know what to expect during the whole process but we found from the beginning and till now the process very easy. I was afraid that collecting the umbilical cord blood would hurt the baby but it did not. It was a safe and a painless procedure that did not disrupt myself or my baby. After my c-section was preformed my doctor collected the blood which ViaCord picked up within a few hours after the baby was born. Then the cord blood was shipped and stored for that “just in case” for my baby.
The stats speak for themselves. Over the past 2 years ~ 120 ViaCord children have used their own banked cord blood stem cells for medical treatments and clinical trials. Thankfully over the past 6 years we have been fortunate not to have to use her cord blood cells but knowing that they are available at any time gives my husband and I peace of mind.
We are currently pregnant with our 6th baby and we plan on using cord blood for this baby as well. My husband and I feel that our full experience with ViaCord is definitely worth repeating.
What about you, have you considered having your baby’s cord blood cells collected and stored?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

My daughter considered this before she gave birth to her twin daughters. It was very expensive, though, so she didn’t push through with it.
I can understand the concern of the expense but it is hard to put a on this because if something happens the reassurance is available. That is how my husband look at it. We found the pricing worth it.
I was told that chances of your baby actually receiving their own blood were rare, so with that and also knowing I wanted delayed cord clamping, I didn’t go with this.
I am sorry this is not true. Check out this video and see this mom’s story and how cord blood helped and was needed.
We looked into this after our first son was born, but it was so expensive. Maybe the price has come down since then, but between medical bills and the expense of the baby himself, we couldn’t afford this.
It is hard to put a price on this because if something happens the reassurance is available. That is how my husband look at it. We found the pricing worth it. đŸ™‚
True, I guess that is a very valid point. I will be checking into it for sure if I get the chance to.
Congrats! What a blessing. If I could have more kids I would definitely look into this.
I did not know much about ViaCord before this. Now I have a much better understanding of what cord blood banking is and how helpful it can really be. Congrats on the spring arrival of your new little one!
Cord blood cells are so amazing for your family and for the health of other children who may have life threatening diseases. Congratulations on the new baby:)
This was just becoming available when my last child was born. I’d definitely take advantage of it if I was having a child now.
I don’t think my sister even knew about this when she had her first baby. I think it would have been worth it.
My daughter is pregnant and has been looking into cord blood banking. Since she has a genetic disorder, I think it would be a good idea.
This didn’t become a thing until my kids had already all been born. I never really looked into it since I wasn’t having anymore. Thanks.
You know, I meant to look into cord blood banking when I was pregnant with my last but totally forgot.
Our friend did and it was a life saver!
Her little girl got cancer and they already had stem cells to help in her fight and today she is in remission.
Can’t put a price tag on that đŸ™‚
Totally worth it!
We thought about doing it, but at that time we just didn’t have the money to keep it stored, I would have loved doing it if we could have afforded it.
I didn’t know you were pregnant, Nicole! Congratulations!!
It’s amazing that we can do things like cord blood banking now days. Viacord is a wonderful option for expectant parents!
These are great thing to remember. congrats on the new member of your family.
We are expecting an addition to the family in April and we are seriously considering cord banking. My daughter has so many health problems, I think we need it!
Cord blood banking sounds like an awesome safety measure. I’m glad it’s such an easy process. I considered it with both of my kids.
It’s pretty expensive here, but I have thought about it if I were to successfully get pregnant again. I will have to check it out around here. There are definitely benefits.
I’ve heard many wonderful things about cord blood banking. I’ve never really looked into it for myself, though. Thanks for the information.
You look beautiful. Congrats on you new baby!
I considered it with my children but really didnt know much about it. I really learned a lot from your post.
When I was pregnant with my daughter this was something that was never offered to me! If I ever decide to have another one I would do cord banking for sure!
I really wanted to do this with my kids. Unfortunately we just could not afford it at the time. I am hoping to have enough saved by the time we have another to make it happen.
Congratulations on your family!
You certainly give great mother-to-be advice here that I am sure will be put to use.
This isn’t something I thought about when I was pregnant with my son, but it was quite a few years ago. I would most definitely consider doing this. Especially since at my age it would be a higher risk pregnancy.
My sister, who is a nurse, did this for all three of her little ones and doesn’t regret it at all. Congrats too on the newest little one! – Katy
I think this must be a great idea. You never know how this will pay off later one day in the future.
This is so great. I am glad that you have had a good experience with Viacord and cord blood banking.
Cord banking may not be for everyone, but having the option available is a great option for those that want to take advantage of this. Maybe in the future this will be a standard procedure for all newborns.
This is a good service just in case it is needed. This wasn’t available when I had my chiIdren and I don’t plan on having any more so this is no longer an option for me.
A friend of mine is having a baby in April. I don’t know much about this so I am glad you explained it. I will share this with her. Congrats!
This was not around when my kids were born. I think it is a good idea and I know a few people who decide to do it just in case something happens and they need it down the road.
I wish I would have done this with my first and only daughter, but I don’t think it was available back then. I think cord blood banking is a great idea {just in case}. Congratulations on baby #6 <3
I think it’s wonderful how far medicine has come. Viacord is a wonderful option to have.
One more child being helped by this is totally worth looking into the program. Congratulations on your future arrival!
Cord banking is like a seatbelt. You just never know when it might help.
My 4 kids (including triplets) just started college so they didn’t offer this back then. But I think it’s certainly something that expectant moms nowadays should consider and check into.
there is a lot of prenatal stuff to do. thanks for sharing
I wish so much that we would have banked our childrens cord blood, as a science teacher I completely understand how important this is to have
You’re going to have to update your blog name to Mama to 6 Blessings! Congratulations on your pregnancy. Here’s to good health!
It’s amazing how far technology has come over the years!
Congratulations on your current pregnancy! If we ever decide to have any more, I will look into this. Thanks for the info.
Oh my goodness – Congratulations! 6 children – what a lot of beautiful blessings –
I’ve heard of cord blood banking – didn’t know exactly what amazing attributes it had – great post!
I have a Pregnant friend but i don’t know if she know about this. i will tell this to her.
we had considered it with our first child but my OB told us it really was not necessary so we never did. thankfully we have not had any issues. (you looks so adorable preggers)
I knew of the cord banking but we didn’t do it, I think with my last one they offered and I’m not sure just why I didn’t do it
Pregnancy is such a wonderful part of a women’s life & I agree Prenatal care is very much essential to make sure all goes well. I am aware about cord blood banking as well, but was bit fishy at that time when I had my kids.
I’ve heard cord blood banking, but haven’t tried it, now I know it can helps a lot. Congratulation to you!
My friend is becoming a first time mum and she needs all the info she can get so I will pass this along to her!
I am so glad everything worked out well for you and your baby!
Cord blood cell is really amazing. I just hope that they can make this more affordable, so everyone can avail of this.
I expect once the price comes down that it really will spread like wildfire. It sounds like it could be very beneficial.
These are such great tips. We’re thinking of adding to our family soon so maybe something to keep in mind.
We haven’t started a family yet, but this is great to keep in my mind for the future.
Technology seriously amazes me! When I was pregnant I had no clue what this even was… It wasn’t until recently I even heard of cord blood cell stuff….
First of all congratulations on your pregnancy and kudos to you for this being the 6th…I am still traumatized from having my first and only child (30 years ago)…YES you saw that right…LOL
This is a a really amazing thing so thanks for bringing it to our attention
I agree Prenatal care is essential to make sure all goes well and I will share this article to have much awareness between pregnant ladies…!!
I never Viacord when I had my babies. I think this is the best thing to do when our babies were born. You’ll never know they help them in the future.
I really love this idea! I remember each time I had my kids that they talked to me about it but it just wasn’t affordable for me. It really is worth the investment though.
We decided not to bank our daughter’s cord blood this past March, due to cost mostly. I think the cost will go down over time with more people choosing to do this though. We just couldn’t justify the cost at this time. Congrats on your 6th blessing!