We are enjoying the very last bit of summer as our new homeschool year starts on the 24th. Soaking up the sun and the pool as much as possible! I had to hurry up and take this photo, to get all 5 kids lined up by age all the looking the same direction is a challenge!
What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks!
Have your children gone back to school yet? If not how are you spending the last of your summer?

Great family photo.
You have the cutest family!!! Thanks for hosting this week!!
That is too cute!!
What a lovely photo heheh! all smiling too
Have a tanfastic week & thanks for stopping by mine 🙂
5 beautiful blessings!
Aww! Very cute. They’re like little steps, aren’t they? Have fun in your last couple days of Summer Vacay!
We love summer 🙂
#OMGosh! That picture says it all. Thank you for the smile(s!!!). Bless you and yours indeed. 🙂
This is the cutest picture in the world! Your children are adorable.
Awww they all look so adorable!
Enjoy the last days of freedom!
I love everything about this image. Family photos are priceless to the parents and grandparents when they are taken. One day they will be priceless to these kids, their children and their grandchildren. Well done.
Your kids are adorable. Great pic!
Such a great shot, so summery!
My children are way past school age but I remember the holidays well… for good and bad ;D
My children are way past school age but I remember the holidays well… for good and bad ;D
Forgot to say that’s a great fun photo… I love all of their smiles.
That’s a mighty happy round-up ya got there mommy! Love the pic. Can you imagine these guys as adults some day looking at this picture? I think a couple of giggles might pop out. Too Cute.