Inspiration In My Kitchen With Chicken Soup For The Soul / Chicken Marsala Recipe + Giveaway


This is a not a sponsored post on behalf of Zaycon Fresh and Chicken Soup For The Soul. This post contains affiliate links.  All views and opinions are honest and of my own. All views and opinions are honest and of my own. 

  My family switched from eating less red meat to chicken years ago because it is a healthier option. I was recently introduced to the best place to purchase chicken, Zaycon Fresh. This chicken is 100% natural chicken with no added hormones, additives or artificial ingredients! Plus is comes directly from the farm. I was amazed that the chicken is only $1.69 lb! My husband made me my favorite recipe using this nice plump chicken.  

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Chicken Marsala
Serves 7
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  1. 3 tsp of butter
  2. Boneless Chicken Breasts (we made 5)
  3. 1 bottle of Marsala Cooking Wine
  4. 1 package of clean and sliced mushrooms
  5. Flour, salt and pepper
  6. 1/2 Container of Chicken For the Soul Chicken Broth
  7. Olive Oil
  1. Sprinkle sprinkle olive oil on a pan and heat the pan.
  2. While the pan is heating take your flour, salt and pepper and pour in a bowl or plate (enough to coat each chicken breast front and back, salt and pepper to your taste).
  3. Add the Chicken Soup For the Soul Chicken Broth, then place the chicken breasts in the hot pan and sear / brown on each side.
  4. While the chicken is searing pour your Marsala sauce in a pot and cook till it reduces in half. (this means it reduce in volume).
  5. After the chicken is seared on both sides and the Marsala sauce is reduced then add the sauce to the chicken and cook until the Marsala sauce reduces again.
  6. Place a lid on top of the pan while cooking.
  7. Once the sauce is reduced then add your mushrooms and 3 tablespoons of butter.
  8. Continue to cook until the mushrooms are cooked.
  1. Once everything is cooked allow to sit a few minutes giving the sauce time to thicken. When everything is done the chicken is super tender and melts in your mouth!
Mama to 6 Blessings

  zaycon fresh Yum

When I picked up my order and brought it home it was packaged in a 40 lb box. The chicken is nice and plump, definitely not scrawny like what I was purchasing before I had known about Zaycon Fresh. My husband easily separated it into serving portion sizes for our family and then froze them.    For some cooking inspiration Chicken Soup For The Soul has some amazing products from sauces to books. Definitely a wonderful assortment for your kitchen or a gift for someone that needs some inspiration as well! 

 zaycon chicken soup

   Zaycon Fresh offers a wonderful selection of meats other than chicken. Something for everyone: pork (bacon and ribs), beef, turkey and fish! It is a one stop shop for your meat needs! No more shopping for the best prices on meat and standing in lines. Simply find where you can pick up these products,  purchase on-line and then pick up local in your area. Doesn’t get any easier than that!    How much are you paying for your meat and what is the quality like? Zaycon Fresh definitely is the highest quality I have had!    Enter to win a Chicken Soup For The Soul prize pack by using the below Rafflecopter form to enter for a chance to win this awesome giveaway! Please let me know if you have any questions. Open to the US, ages 18+.     a Rafflecopter giveaway


This is a not a sponsored post on behalf of Zaycon Fresh and Chicken Soup For The Soul. This post contains affiliate links.  All views and opinions are honest and of my own. All views and opinions are honest and of my own.  Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 


  1. There is nothing like enjoying a delicious meal with some great literature. I have always enjoyed reading while eating a yummy meal over the years.

  2. Great prize package! I’ll have to try your recipe- I have never made it myself!

  3. This looks delicious. I didn’t know there were actual products made by the book brand!

  4. Chicken marsala is so yummy. I remember reading Chicken Soup for the teenage soul back in the day. Great books!

  5. I love a great meal with a great book. It’s the perfect pairing.

  6. This looks delicious, and to have a great book just tops it off!

  7. I love chicken marsala! The perfect meal to nourish your body while the Chicken Soup books nourish your soul.

  8. an amazing recipe with a good read: great combo! thanks for sharing your chicken and the giveaway. you are setting us up for summer!

    • I thought of summer when I read this post too. Maybe just wishful thinking for warm weather.We have snow forecast for today. #crazyweather

  9. Oh wow! I have never heard of this product before. The mushrooms look amazing.

  10. This recipe sounds so, so good! I love anything that has a lot of mushrooms in it!

  11. I have never made marsala before but it seems easy enough. We love mushrooms

  12. I LOVE the steak Marsala at Carrabbas so this looks/sounds sooo yummy! Will have to give it a try and also Zaycon. Have heard about them before but haven’t tried their chicken yet.

  13. Chicken marsala is a staple at our house. Easy recipe and delicious. Always feels like a restaurant meal when we make it!

  14. IT sounds like Zaycon Fresh is a great option for meats. I’ll have to check it out. This recipe looks really good!

  15. Chicken Marsala is a delectable dish if made right and your recipe certainly sounds like it is!!I will have to try this one.

  16. I’m not in to mushrooms, but it looks delicious.

  17. I love my Zaycon chicken. I will have to make chicken marsala one of these days!

  18. I haven’t heard of this before! But it looks mighty good! Looks like a meal my hubby and I would enjoy making and eating together!

  19. Catherine S says:

    This looks really yummy. My husband orders this when we go out. I will have to surprise him with this when he gets home from work Friday. Thanks for the recipe.

  20. This looks so delicious.. I’ve never had chicken Marsala.

  21. I love chicken marsala although I’ve never made it myself. This looks delicious!

  22. Looks like a recipe that you enjoy making a lot. I like that there’s a giveaway too, that’s always nice.

  23. I have to try this! Your photos are making my mouth water.

  24. I love chicken Marsala and yours looks quite good.

  25. amanda bellard says:

    This will be my first chicken marsala! Can’t wait to try! Thanks! Looks amazing

  26. It’s a good change to lower your intake of red meat, I have done that myself; I tend to eat poultry or seafood for my protein!

  27. I had no idea they made cookbooks or products!! Do they have vegetarian recipes? It looks like it was easy to make too!

  28. I have been looking for a good chicken Marsala recipe. Love it and so does my husband. Thanks!

  29. That looks delicious! I will have to try this recipe out.

  30. This chicken dish looks so yummy and homey wish I was invited for a bite =)

  31. I haven’t read a Chicken Soup for the Soul book in ages. I loved reading them 🙂

  32. I love chicken marsala and this recipe sounds yummy

  33. I would die from the mushrooms. Omit them and I’m all good!

  34. I really like trying out new ways to cook chicken. This one looks so delicious I will have to give it a try!

  35. My daughter-in-law only eats fish or chicken. Glad you found a great spot to get your chicken! 🙂

  36. This looks so yummy! I love chicken marsala! I need to try this!

  37. Debbie Denny says:

    That looks and sounds awesome. Love mushroomsalso

  38. Chicken marsala is one of my ALL TIME faves! And I can’t believe how much my kids love it, too. There’s not enough mushrooms in the world for them!

  39. I love chicken and mushrooms. I find they mix well together. Your recipe looks delicious

  40. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    This sounds like an amazing way to purchase your meat. Sounds like a great deal. I will have to try this recipe.

  41. Chicken is a staple in our house. I’ll have to check out Zaycon Fresh for future purchases. Living in Florida, the fresh food prices are are so expensive.

  42. I love zaycon chicken! We got 40lbs of it in November and we use it all the time! It’s really delicious and I split the breasts up because they are huge!

  43. This recipe looks yummy. I ordered Zaycon chicken all the time the breasts are so huge.

  44. Chicken Marsala is one of my favorites! Reading this, I’m thinking I’m now going to have to work this in sometime this week!

  45. What a great prize pack! I love the recipe too!

  46. I always loved the Chicken Soup for the soul books. I have never had Chicken marsala before but I am not a huge fan of mushrooms.

  47. Mmmmm, I just love chicken marsala….All those mushrooms! Yum!

  48. yummmy

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