My Sweet Sick Baby :( Almost Wordless Wednesday With Linky



My sweet baby, she looks so peaceful when she is sleeping.  Guess she was so tired and just couldn’t make it. She is having a tough time right now. We had to take her to the hospital Monday night because of labored breathing, she has bronchitis and thankfully was not admitted to stay and with prayer and medications she should be on the mend quickly! 


joy asleep

What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks!    



  1. Just got “back in the game” and pleased to see you. Your poor sweet baby does not seem happy at all. Along with the proper meds etc, they always benefit from lots of hugs and kisses… 3-4 times daily or as needed!!

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Awww, the poor thing. Hope she feels better soon!

  3. Hope your little one is on the mend. Thinking of you.

  4. Oh no, having a little baby sick is so sad and can take so much from us. I have always said I prefer to be sick myself than to see a baby suffering.
    I hope she gets well very soon.

  5. Awww such a cutie. Get well soon =)

  6. Poor little thing. It is awful when the little ones get sick. Bronchitis is a tough one I hope she feels better very, very soon!

  7. Oh, poor baby! I hope she has the most speedy recovery.

  8. Hope that she gets better soon.

  9. I wish she will get well soon,…..

  10. Nothing quite as innocent in the world like a sleeping child! Glad to hear she is okay and hope she heals from the breathing issues quickly.

  11. Awww, I have seen this happen many times, so cute!!!

    Thanks for hosting again this week!
    Have a great day!

  12. Thank you for hosting!! Have a great day!! xx Ashleigh

  13. Poor baby. My kids get bronchitis also, so I totally feel your pain. I would like to join your linkup. What are you looking for?? Just a picture post?

  14. Awww! Poor little thing. She’s adorable. Glad to hear that she’s at home and didn’t have to stay in hospital. Sending a quick prayer your way. πŸ™‚

  15. Helene Cohen Bludman says:

    Poor baby and poor Mama! I hope she gets over this nasty bug quickly.

  16. It is heartbreaking when our babies are sick. I hope she will feel better soon

  17. Awww what a sweetheart. Hope she feels better quickly!

  18. oh dear hope she recovers soon!

  19. Bronchitis is such an awful illness to have. I hope she feels better really soon.

  20. Hope your daughter feels better soon

  21. awww she does look so tired and peaceful. I don’t have Wordless Wednesday but I enjoy them all so much!

  22. I have been through so many night like you are going through and its not always fun. But oh so cute

  23. Aw, your poor daughter. She’s in my prayers, bronchitis is never any fun, and especially not as a child.

  24. It is so horrible when the little ones are sick. Get better soon!

  25. Hope she gets well soon!

  26. Aww… Get well soon little one!
    Is everyone else healthy? We always seem to get stuff like Bronchitis in waves.

  27. Aw what a cutie, I’m sorry she’s not feeling well. hopefully it goes away fast for her

  28. Aw, poor child. I have bronchitis and know how NOT fun it is. Hope she recovers quickly.

  29. Now THAT is adorable! πŸ™‚ I hope she gets feeling better soon though, no fun to be sick!

  30. oh sweet baby! I can’t believe she fell asleep like that!

  31. I used to have bronchitis 3-5 times a year due to my allergies and asthma as a child. I know the rough time she is going through, and my heart goes out to her. Poor little one. Those coughs can be so rough.

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  33. bless, wishing her a speedy recovery poping over from a Wordless Wednesday

  34. Poor little baby, I hope that she gets much better soon!

  35. Hope she gets better. Lots of probitotics and vitamin c should clear it up quick.

  36. Poor baby! I hope she feels better soon!

  37. Oh, my sweetness! I remember that happening a lot with my son at that age.

  38. Her necklace totally makes the outfit as well πŸ™‚

  39. Awww. Poor sweetie! Hope she’s feeling better asap!

  40. She looks so cute & I can see how much tired & uncomfortable she is. It is always sad to see your baby suffering like this. I pray for her speedy recovery.

  41. Awwww how adorable! Although it is sad that she is not feeling so well

  42. Awwww. Hope she gets much, much, much better soon.

  43. There is something (bitter)sweet about sick babies. Hope your little one is feeling better soon.

  44. She’s such a sweetie! I hope she gets better soon!

  45. Aww sorry to hear she’s not feeling well. This photo is still really adorable. There is just something so fun about a kid who is so tired that they fall asleep mid meal.

  46. Prayers and lots of TLC and she’ll back to her spritely self soon! (HUGS)

  47. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty says:

    Aww, hope she feels better soon! Sick babies are no fun a’tall.

  48. now that’s tired! what a cutie!
    I don’t think any of mine were ever that tired. maybe once.
    I know I feel that way some days.

  49. So sweet. Whenever I’m having a tough day with my kiddos, I always watch them sleep. I’m rarely wordless though! πŸ™‚

  50. Hope your little angel is feeling better! Thanks for sharing at OMHG WW πŸ™‚

  51. Its so hard to see them hurting and sick. My little one has been home from school all week. Two ear infections and a week of fevers later, hes getting back to himself. Hope shes better soon! Hugs

  52. Awe what a sweetie, I hope she is feeling better.

  53. What a cutie. I hope she feels better soon. It’s no fun when they’re sick πŸ™

  54. I hope your baby girl is feeling better. She looks so cute sleep.

  55. I hope she’s doing better! It’s no fun being sick.

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