Glow Stick Neon Art (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky


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Our family went away for the 4th of July weekend with family.   We decided not to fight the traffic to go watch the fireworks at the beach so we watched them from the window in our hotel suite. We turned off the lights and watched – we had great views. We gave the kids glow sticks and with the lights off in the hotel room while watching the fireworks the kids were waving the glow sticks and these are the photo’s I captured. Pretty cool, huh? 



glow sticks

glow sticks 3

 What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks!   





  1. The photos came out really colorful and interesting.

  2. How neat is that!

  3. Cool photos! πŸ™‚

  4. HOw interesting, it’s crazy the effects that we can get with different types of lights.
    Have a lovely rest of the week!

  5. Love the photos! Glow sticks are fun! πŸ™‚

  6. What a great idea! My grandsons love glowsticks.

  7. My kids love playing with glow sticks. It looks like yours do, too!

  8. Amazing what neon lights can do in the dark and you captured it well =) #WW

  9. I bought a load of glow sticks for the 4th of July at the river, and even the older kids had a blast with them, I did too. Great pics!

  10. Glow sticks are much safer to play with than sparklers!!! Hope you can find your way over to linkup today!!
    Have a fun day!!! PS Sharing to FB for you!

  11. Those pictures are really cute. I would of never thought they would make such great images.Thanks for sharing.

  12. You really captured those moments perfectly!

  13. Sounds like a lot of fun! And cool pictures too!

  14. They turned out neat. I bet the kiddos loved them too.

  15. Aw, fab shots! Happy Wordless Wednesday! πŸ™‚

  16. Glow sticks are always so much fun! My daughter loves playing with them!

  17. Ooo how fun! My girl loves to play with glow sticks!

  18. Love what you can create in the dark with glow sticks. Sure looked fun!

  19. Watching the fireworks from the hotel sounds like a brilliant idea. Did you know that you would be doing that when you started vacation?

    Love the magical glowstick images. So fun!

  20. These photos are cool!

  21. Wow, that is really pretty. Very cool!

  22. Awesome pictures! Love having simple fun with the kids like that. We went out and parked at the mall, sitting on top of our Suburban for fireworks. It was fun!

    Have a great day!

  23. That is pretty cool. Very cool.

  24. How great! Looks like tons of fun. That green whirling lightstick in the first picture looks like a top hat.

  25. Those are so cool! Better than fireworks I’d say! So colorful! Thanks for sharing…

  26. Neat!

  27. Great idea, and fabulous photos Nicole!

  28. It’s a nice experience to see the fireworks up close, but I far prefer to sit on the sofa to catch the display on TV and I don’t have to worry with ruining my hearing in the process. Nice, fun WW photos! Come by & link up!

  29. Such cool shots. I can never get those night time shots to work well. Happy WW!

  30. What great shots…I love the colors in the darkness…Cool!

  31. Looks like a party! My kids love glow sticks, too and when my daughter turned 7, she had a dance party with them.

    Happy Wednesday!

  32. So neat!!! The memories of creating their own fireworks with their wands will last a lifetime!
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  33. Those are so super cool. A whole better than fireworks

  34. Thank you! I shared on Twitter, FB, and Google. Have a great week!

  35. What a great idea and I bet your kids loved it! Perfect pics for Wordless Wednesday.

  36. Wow super cool. My kiddos love doing stuff like this but I need to capture it!

  37. Those are so awesome! You’ll have to teach us how to take great shots like that! πŸ™‚

  38. I don’t think my camera could talk that! Beautiful!

  39. Wow such amazing pictures! I would love for you to post something on my wordless Wednesday link up party on my blog!

  40. So much fun!

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