My kids attend Awanas at our church. For 3rd grade and up kids can sign up for the pine box derby races. Children are given a block of wood to make their own pine box derby cars. My husband and son worked together. The theme that we chose was a Batmobile.
My son told my husband what shape he wanted his car to be so together they cut it out and then sanded it. Next we painted it black and then on I printed off a Batman logo and a Batman Lego character. Then the wheels were added and my son colored the Batman and then glued all the accessories to the car. My husband added the weights on top of the car so that it would meet the requirements of 5 oz. Finally we added a coat of Modge Podge to give it that final shimmer.
* Great resources on how to make a pine box derby are Pinterest and Youtube. These resources are not just great for how to make a car but they give tips on how to make your car fast!
Then it was time for the race. On your mark, get ready and go………………….
Guess what my son won 1st place!!!! His car was the fastest against his team mates!
If you are not part of Awanas I encourage you to have your children join. Has your child ever made a pine box derby car?
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We did the derby a couple of time when my oldest was a cub scout, but we never designed such a cute car for ours.
How fun!!! That looks like such a blast and look at his happy smile!!
My son always had so much fun making Pinewood Derby cars each year when he was in Cub Scouts. Your son’s car turned out really cute. So creative!
What a clasic fun learning activity for kids and their moms and dads. Our boys did this last fall and had a great time!
My son attended Awanas when he was younger. He had a great time.
That reminds me!! We have a no-rules pinewood derby in a WEEK. We need to get planning!
Our son made a race car when he was little and we still have it! It was such a fun experience for him! This is great bonding time for dad and son and congrats to your son on his first place win!
That looks really fun and what a great way to get kids together in a positive environment.
Such a positive place for young boys to be.
I loved making them when I was in Cub Scouts decades ago. It has gotten so advanced now – seems the kids hardly build their own any more!
Your son’s car is really cute! What a fun activity for kids to participate in. It looks like he really enjoyed it.
My son did this for years with Boy Scouts. He always had so much fun!
I am a big fan of the AWANAS. My son is 12 and has autism, so he is not very social. We tried to get him to participate, but he just could not do it. The folks in our group were so lovely and caring. It was something I will not forget.
His car looks awesome!
This is such a cute and clever design. Totally nerdtastic!
Love this! Looks like a fun time for sure
Oh, I did one of these when I was little! It was so much fun. His turned out great!
We’ve never done awanas or boxcars. We do have great community classes at our church
Aw that looks like a lot of fun! My sister had to make one for school and race it, I was so jealous it looks like a lot of fun!!!
Congrats on the win. Looks like a lot of fun
PInewood derby cars were a big deal in our house when our boys were in scouts. Glad you had fun racing!
My son got to do them in both Awanas and Scouts. They were probably his favorite event in both activities!
That is the coolest car I have ever seen! My boys would love to do this!
When my son was in cub scouts, we looked forward to the pinewood derby every year. So fun!
That is such a fun activity!! I wish our local church had something like this for kids to participate in!
This looks like a lot of fun. My little brothers used to do pinewood Derbys at our Church when they were growing up and they really enjoyed it.
how Fun! Our church does this too! And it is a lot of fun for the kids! And it’ sa great way for them to work with their hands and learn about being good sports.
How fun is that. My son made a Minecraft related one this year.
This is so fun! I just love how you made it a bat mobile! So creative.
Wow I am super impressed you guys went all out. We missed it this year, as my son had something else going on that night for Gt and so he had to choose. I was shocked when he didn’t pick the derby.
So fun! I love how he decorated it! Can’t wait for my boys to be old enough for this!
My son participated in one of these derbys when he was little. Love the batmobile theme on the car!
Awanas is awesome! What a fun event for the kids
Of course he won first place, he had the batmobile! K-Pow!
How fun is that!!!! Love it!!!!
How awesome! Congrats to him on wining first place! That Batmobile rocks!
looks so fun my son used to love pinewood derby races as a kid now at 14 he still keeps a couple of cars he and his dad designed. Your looks awesome.
The Batman car looks great! My son did the Pinewood Derby twice, one of those times he came in second.
Looks like a lot of fun. Might have to make one for my daughter.
This looks like so much fun and setting kids free to go as creative they can go is such a nice idea 🙂
That’s rocking awesome and a big high five to him for making it!!! I bet it was a big hit! I saw it on Twitter yesterday and was impressed!
great activity for kids! i remember going to these when i was younger.
How fun is that? He looks so proud and why not? He’s got an awesome derby ride!
How exciting, I’m so proud of him:)
I love his car!!!!!
Awww this looks soo cool… and how fun, look at that big smile.. way to go!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing, had a great time reading your post…
I do enjoy this post and the making of the car, we sure would enjoy that project as well. Lovely piece they made and we enjoy the super heroes. I like the racetrack so very creative.
That is a great looking Batman car. My son did something like this in science class once