Join Me & Take The Slim Fast 14-Day Challenge


This is a sponsored review, all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way.  Thank you to  Slim Fast, Walgreens their PR Company for the opportunity. 



My husband and I have had 5 children in a span of 8 years. Spaced approximately 2 years apart from each other, with them being so close I have not had much time to lose much of the pregnancy weight. 5 pregnancies = lots of weight to lose!  Now with five kids ages 8 years to 8 months I find myself not having much time to go to a gym to exercise and most of the time I am eating all the wrong foods. This year I have decided to do something about it –  this year I plan on shedding pounds by taking the Slim Fast 14-Day Challenge!  


slimfast challenge



Looking to quickly lose a few pounds for an upcoming special occasion, but want to avoid fad diets or intensive workout routines? So do I, and Slim Fast is our answer!


Iā€™m excited to be taking the Slim Fast 14-Day Challenge and replacing two meals with Slim Fast shakes or bars to help me hit my trim-down goal. With these great products Iā€™m set to lose six pounds in just two weeks! Please support me in this journey and stay tuned to when I reveal my results in just a couple of weeks.


Slim Fast is making it even easier this new year – if you buy any Ready-to-Drink 4-pack you can get any Slim Fast product of equal or lesser value free when you use the coupon found inside your local Walgreens through January 18.


slim fast button


My Slim Fast 14 -Day challenge begins today – join me – we can do this together! At the end of my 14 days I will share my results with you so stay tuned for the results PLUS save the date for the Slim Fast Twitter party with @ResourcefulMom on Jan 21 at 8 PM ET.  Hope to see you there!


This is a sponsored review, all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way.  Thank you to  Slim Fast, Walgreens their PR Company for the opportunity. 


Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.



  1. I bet that I could do 14 days. It sounds like a great way to lose the few pounds that I gained over the holidays.

  2. Sounds like a great program. I would definitely consider doing this. Thanks so much for the info.

  3. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how good the Slim Fast shakes and bars are – good luck with your 14 day challenge. I’m excited to hear how it turns out.

  4. Good luck with your challenge, I hope it goes wonderfully well!

  5. Seems like a great nutritional alternative. I too need to tone the tummy after two babies. My youngest is 2 years old, so its time! šŸ™‚

  6. I’m taking the Slimfast 14-Day Challenge too! I can’t wait to see your results!

  7. Best of luck to you on your journey!

  8. My sister is doing this, too. Slim Fast is super tasty! Love their stuff. šŸ™‚

  9. That is great that you are taking the challenge. I have always wondered about Slim Fast, my Nana used to buy it but I have never tried it.

    Good Luck!

  10. This sounds great…only 14 days and I will see results. Nothing outrageous, of course, but, ya know, 6 pounds (give or take) makes a difference. It will make you (me!) feel different — better — when I look in the mirror, when I put on my clothes, etc. Hmmm…and with the B1G1, it’s even more motivation. I think I might join you! šŸ™‚

  11. This sounds great. I like that it is 2 weeks which is not crazy over whelming. I have heard the slim fast shakes taste great.

  12. What a great challenge! I heard that Slim Fast taste really good!

  13. I have been drinking the the last few days as well. I love the chocolate!!

  14. I’m looking forward to hearing about your results. Bring on the New Year!!

  15. I haven’t tried Slim Fast in forever. I’d be willing to give it a try!

  16. No promises, but I will definitely consider it! I’m more of a juice person. But best wishes to you!!

  17. Amy Desrosiers says:

    I love some of Slim Fast’s bars, and shakes! They are the original diet company that I actually enjoy!

  18. This sounds great! Looking forward to hearing about your results.

  19. Aimee Smith says:

    What a great way to jump start your weight loos! I think I can do anything for 14 days, I hear these drinks are tasty too!

  20. I love that they have a 14-day slimdown. I think most people could stick to a plan for 14 days since they know there’s a definite end date. I’m going to look into this, too; might be a great way to kick off for the New Year.

  21. I haven’t had slim fast in a few years but buy one get one free is allthe motivation I need to loose a few pounds before a planned girls vacation in February. Thank you for the info. Will look forward to hearing your results. Good Luck!

  22. Slim Fast is a great starting point for weight loss.

  23. Oh how exciting! I am gonna be looking to hear how it works for you. I have tried the slim fast shakes and they are pretty good, but I haven’t tried any other items from their line!! Good luck I am sure you will ROCK it!!

  24. I have not tried slim fast, but it sounds pretty good. Good luck to you.

  25. I really like the Slim Fast protein shakes. They make great breakfasts when i”m running late and help me not to feel hungry. My favorite flavor is a toss up between Chocolate and Strawberry. Not a fan of the vanilla for some reason. I don’t know why.

  26. This seems very doable. I’m willing to give it a try!

  27. I would love to take this challenge, it is a great way to start a new year, loosing weight.

  28. It’s been years since I’ve tried this, yet I know I could spare 2 weeks to give it a try! The twins were my downfall, I’d love get healthier in time for Spring!

  29. I love that it is a 14 day challenge. Not so long that you get bored but enough that you see results.

  30. My goal for the year is LOTS and LOTS of water. It’s a big challenge for me.

  31. i haven’t tried slim fast but i NEED to. this girl is feeling ready to get in shape!

  32. All the best Nicole! Sounds like a motivating way to shed a few pounds

  33. The two week challenge definitely sounds doable but being pregnant I think I’ll skip right now. I’ve used slim fast before and loved it! it’s the best meal shake I’ve ever had and I’ve had a lot!

  34. Can’t wait to see your results. I have always wanted to try the 14 day challenge from Slim Fast! Good Luck! šŸ™‚

  35. I cant wait to see the results from the 14 day challenge! I think this may be something I try after Baby is here. I actually really enjoy the slimfast bars

  36. I have an 8 month old too and could use some help in the weight loss department. I have always loved Slim Fast shakes. I use to have them instead of dessert.

  37. Best of luck to you! I’m working on getting more in shape in 2014 too.

  38. Good luck with your challenge! I can’t do Slim Fast because of some allergy issues, but I know this is a great jump start for many people!!

  39. slim fast has certainly come a long way since i tried it last. i think i’m up for this challenge as soon as spring hits and i can get some outdoor exercise in too.

  40. I’ve tried Slimfast before and have had much success with it. I used to eat a protein bar before working out. I need to go back to this!

  41. how’s it going? curious on updates šŸ™‚

  42. I am doing South Beach, but it has a two week “jump start” period too. Two weeks is a good way to start of your healthier eating habits! Good luck on the challenge.

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