My kids love Lego’s, as most kids do! Our local Art Museum had Lego exhibit of world famous buildings that an architect built out of Lego’s! It was quite amazing! Then at the end the kids were given Lego’s to build their own buildings. Here are some of the Lego buildings.
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Too cool! I love great lego creations!
I love Lego creations as well, but my mind drifts to how much one of those big skyscrapers made out of Legos would cost? What’s the one in the top middle?
It is amazing to me what they do with Legos!!
Thanks for stopping by today!!
Oh My Heartsie Girl
Just amazing what they can do with Lego!
Never got into legos. They were past my time, but my granddaughters love them. They would rather get legos than a doll for Christmas. Hmmmmmm? What is that saying?
Lego seems even more popular now than ever fantastic builds there
Have a legotastic week
Gorgeous creations and your son did an amazing job as well, very cool!
My boys would love that! I was never into Legos and didn’t think my boys would be. Boy was I wrong!
Those are so neat! My boys would love it.
Fascinating! Great shots! Thanks for hosting.
That’s too cool!
aww that’s amazing! love it 🙂
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party
Wow! Amazing what they can do with legos. Thanks for hosting!
so cool! I used to love legos!
Wow! Amazing!
Very cool! I recognize our local landmark. 🙂
We were checking out the builds at the local Lego Store a couple of weeks ago. These are way cooler!
My nephews were crazy for legos when they were young.
Those are awesome and the kids’ too!!!
Lego is such a timeless classic.
These are sooo cool!!
Cool! When my son was smaller he loved his Legos. Personally I could never make anything myself, even with instructions.
Happy WW!
That is awesome…my son is addicted to Legos also – he would love that! He starts “Lego League” at his school tomorrow, he can’t wait. They use legos to help teach them about different topics/events – this year the them is Disaster and Recovery – so it’s all about tornados, hurricanes etc.
Oh, and thanks for linking up with The BOAT!
We had a similar thing at the Houston Zoo with animals — it is amazing to me what people can do with Legos. My son is a BIG fan!
My kids are all still very young, but we recently tried some of the tinier Lego sets, and they loved them!! I had as much fun as they did with them.
My boys love legos too! They love getting Star Wars sets, but they love just building other things too. On of my boys does stop motion videos with his legos.
Have a great day!
My younger boys adore LEGOS! We were able to take them to Legoland a couple years ago and they are still talking about it! Next week is the LEGO KID FEST!
Love Legos!
This is awesome, my boys LOVE Legos and would love this!
Wow, I love lego creations! We have a Legoland near us! My son’s goal is to be a Lego Master!
That is really cool! I love seeing really big and details LEGO projects!
Wow, all of those buildings are amazing! My oldest LOVED playing with Legos when she was younger. Such a great toy for big imaginations! 🙂
oh wow, the Space Needle, yay!