My 8 and 6 year old just started flag football. This their 1st year playing football. We are a soccer family so it has been a learning curve trying a new sport. Here are a few pictures I took of my boys at their 1st game last Saturday.
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Can’t wait for mine to start doing sports. I will be worried all the time!
Go Crimson & Tide, and Go Dolphins!
Looks like a lot of fun!
Cute boys!! They look to be having a ball!!
They look like they are having a great time. My son is interested in playing basketball. I hope they all do well.
Best to them in their new sport.
Go team, go!
Looks like great fun! All the best in their games 🙂
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Our kids play soccer too. I don’t think they’d try flag football though. Maybe my son will when he’s older.
I love your arrows, they really make the photos more interesting. I would never have seen the ball. Nice throw.
Love that first shot. Such cuties!
My girls are in to netball but two out of three daughters broke their arms this year (one in two places) so have spent most of the season on the sidelines.
Looks like we’re in soccer country now. Seems like everyone plays soccer where we are. My boys would rather play football. I hope yours have a fun season!
So cute!
Yes! It is great to get out and play
Two gorgeous boys you’ve got there, Nicole!
I love upward! I used to coach upward basketball and it was an amazing program!
My eldest just started too! He loves it
Great pictures! I hope they have a blast playing flag football this year.
How fun! You got some great pics!
How fun for them and you to watch! Great shots too. My oldest son plays baseball year round and my youngest hasn’t tryied any sports yet (4) we tried soccer but he just wan’t ready yet.
Good for your boys for trying a new sport!
Happy WW 🙂
We have the sports thing going on here too right now and I love it. 🙂
Nice photos!
My 9-year-old just started flag football a couple weeks ago. He loves it! Although it is kind of funny some of the kids still get tackled sometimes!
Great photos – such a wonderful age!!
Wow, that’s amazing! Looks like tons of fun. Always wonder what it’s like to have boys!
I have to admit, I know nothing about flag football. Cool that they’re trying it out!
Looks like they have a great time, great photos!!
Cute, and I linked up already!
Looks like they are loving it! No flag football here. It’s all girls!
What great pictures! It looks like they had a blast!
It’s always fun to try something new like that. Hope they continue to enjoy!
We are venturing into soccer for the first time. Our first practice is tonight if the rain holds off
None of my four children are too terribly interested in sports yet. My youngest–1st grade–really wants to play something, though, so I think soccer or flag football would be great for him. Thanks for sharing your photos and thanks for hosting WW!
They look like they are having fun!!
Very cool! I can’t wait till my oldest is old enough to play sports. We missed t-ball sign up this year so maybe next year.
Love the photos with explanations…so cute!