I wrote this post on behalf of Moby Wrap and their PR Company. I received a Moby Wrap in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in anyway.
I love to wear my babies. From the time they are newborns till however long they want to be held and not independent I wore them in an carrier. Life has gotten even more hectic for me now since having our latest addition to our family. So now with 5 children baby wearing is a must. Not only is it a must but there are so many benefits that go with baby wearing:
Being hands free.
Having baby close to me for that bonding experience for both of us.
Keeping baby safe.
Perfect for breastfeeding.
I recently was sent a Moby Wrap to review. I have tried many baby carriers over the coarse of 8 years and I have to honestly say I love this carrier! For so many different reasons. I admit I was intimidated when I took it out of the package. As my used the instruction manual to help me use it I was comfortable with it. The soft fabric is nice and airy and can be used any time of the year, yes even down here in Florida! I also like how as my baby grows I can wear her in different positions all the way up to 35 pounds.
With few quick steps by baby is all snuggled up in the newborn hold where she is snug against my chest. She enjoys being snuggled against my chest where she spends most of the time sleeping.
The Moby Wrap offers:
One size versatility – fits all caregivers
1 – 2 – 3 – Triple-wrapped security
100% cotton – fabric with ideal, one-way stretch
Available in a vast selection of solids & designs!
Easily allows for optimal ergonomic positioning of baby
What does this Mama of 5 Blessings like best about the Moby Wrap?
I have used several other baby carriers and slings in the past and most of them after wearing baby for long periods of time have hurt my back or shoulders. Plus the Moby Wrap uses entire back & shoulders to evenly distribute weight. I found that the Moby Wrap offers a wide shoulder support making it comfortable for long and short periods of time.
Let’s face it baby’s can make a mess whether it be spit up or a diaper that has leaked. The Moby Wrap can be washed in the wash machine in cold water and then tossed in the dryer on low! Great for this busy mom!
Baby is secure with the one-way stretch cotton and wide width which ensures that my baby is held close and tight.
No fussing with buckles, snaps, rings or clips. It’s all one piece of soft fabric which is easy to use and can be worn numerous ways.
I am able to breastfeed my baby in the carrier with just a few changes, giving baby and I privacy at the same time.
Not only does Moby Wrap have designer fabrics like the one I reviewed but they offer other stylish fabrics as well: Moderns, MLB Editions (perfect for dads), U V, Organics, Originals and Woven Wraps – Dolcino and Dolcino Jacquard . Plus Moby offers Original Moby Go and Designs.
The Moby Wrap I reviewed was the Designs Fabric – Born Free Slate which can be purchased directly from Moby for $55.95.
Moby is generously offering one Moby Wrap to one of my readers!
Thank you to Moby Wrap and to their PR Company for the opportunity. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in anyway. By entering this contest, you certify that you are 18 years old or older and that you have read and agree with the rules which you can read my policies and giveaway rules here. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
I *love* my moby wrap! My son is 2 now and we use other carriers but when he was younger it was all about the Moby!
Moby Wraps are awesome!! I tried to use one with my daughter, but she was not one of those babies that liked to be wrapped. I was so sad. Cause I loved my Moby Wrap. So I gave it to my sister in law and her baby loved it!! She ended up with 4 different wraps from her baby shower, and her baby would only let her use the moby wrap. I felt awesome knowing I had shared that gift with her.
I love keeping my baby close.
I’m super excited to try a Moby Wrap. I wanted one with my first, but didn’t get one. I only discovered the joy of babywearning much later when she was close to one year old with an Ergo. We are due again in December and would really, really love to start babywearing sooner this time!!!
Babywearing leaves me with two free hands.
I love that baby wearing allows my baby to feel me and have a since of security that I’m always there.
I love how close baby is, and that I can actually get things done!
i love having her close to me
So comforting and a great bonding experience with baby 🙂
This is great! I wish this was available when my little ones were growing up. My niece just had a baby and I know she would love this. I will be passing this on to her.
I LOVED my Moby for when my babies were super tiny. Hands down, I think it’s the best for newborns.
I love the closeness with my daughter when we babywear. We have an ergo right now and she hates it 🙁
I love being able to comfort my baby while still being hands-free.
the snuggle time!!!
Love the different ways to wear these wraps!!
Babywearing makes it possible to have baby close more often.
I love the closeness it brings to me and my daughter. Plus it makes it easier to chase after my toddler son and still keep my daughter close too.
I love being able to have my baby close to me and being able to have my hands free is a plus!
keeping baby close to me.
I love babywearing since it keeps my little one so close to me. Plus it frees up my arms.
That he is still close but I am hands free!
Love the sweet cuddles!!
I love the sweet cuddles. They grow too fast!
I think that feeling close to your baby and having your hands free are essential
I love that I can feel close to my child.
I like having my hands free while keeping my baby happy.
I love being able to get the floor swept and mopped, play with my toddler, take walks, basically just having my hands free. All while being able to snuggle with my baby and lean down and kiss her head.
I love love LOVE how quickly babywearing calms an upset baby down.
I love being hands free while still having my baby with me.
I’m just nw expecting our first baby in December, but love how baby wearing keeps the baby close to me.
i love that bonding time you get that closeness
I like being hands freeeeeeee
I love keeping my daughter close to me.
Keeping baby close for snuggles. 🙂
I like the hands free part but Ive never had one. If I win it would be for my neice.
i love being close to my baby all the time
I love wraps because they allow me to be hands free, and with a 3 year old, that is a must!
I love being close to baby, having my hands free, and just having a happy baby!
I love having perpetual snuggle time!
I love the comfort that it brings BOTH of us! And I can actually get things done!
Babywearing is easier on my back than using just my arms, which I love.
I like that I can have both hands free. Plus I am able to hold the baby much longer, without getting uncomfortable.
I love how close I can keep my baby and still get stuff done.
since i still have the bun in the oven, i havent had the chance to wear my own yet. i have worn my friends LO’s and i like the closeness it brings and being able to still be hands free so I can get some things done!
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I love having my baby close and when she got older she can face out and see the world.
I like to keep my baby close to me and not have to bother with a bulky stroller.
I love the sweet baby snuggles!
I love the bond!! awe there is nothing like it!
Free hands!
I love how babywearing comforts my baby.
I love how close baby is, skin-to-skin benefits, kangaroo care, and how easy to breastfeed.
Everything is awesome about babywearing! I love that the closeness is so comforting to both wearer and baby.
I love that you can keep your baby close and have your hands free. It is also great for nursing.
I love how calm babywearing makes babies!
I love that I can get stuff done!
I love the fact that it is easy on your back.
I like that it wraps over both shoulders so it distributes the weight.
I love knowing the baby is safe with me and sleeps well, no flat head either 🙂
I love that babywearing helps me have my hands free but I can still spend time and snuggle with my daughter!
Being able to spend as much time as possible being close to your baby, and the health benefits for baby to stay close to you 🙂
I love being able to have my baby close to me.
I love not having to put my baby down while doing household chores. She did all the vacuuming with me for 9 months 🙂 why stop once shes born 🙂
I love babywearing because it leaves my hands free to keep my 3 year old occupied and makes grocery shopping with an infant and a toddler SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier. One in the cart (the 3 year old of course) and one on my chest and I’m good to go! 🙂
I like having my baby close. With my last child he would scream anytime he wasn’t held, and it was impossible to get anything done for my other two children without wearing him. I’m now expecting my fourth and could definitely use a new carrier!
I love that I can still get chores done or play with my older child while wearing. Plus who doesn’t want to be close to their liitles especially when they are so little for not very long!?!
I am soothed by the nearness of my baby, and he loves snuggling with me.
I love babywearing because it keeps my hands free to do other things and I don’t have to push around a bulky stroller.
I love the ability to multi-task
I like it comes in different patterns and no buckles.
I love have that sweet baby smell close to me when I’m baby-wearing.
I LOVE being able to hold a sleepy, snuggly baby AND get chores done at the same time!
I like being able to have my sweet boy close tl be, but still be able to get things done.
I love the closeness/bond it helps develop between me and my babies. There’s nothing like making my baby feel safe and relaxed while still being able to get stuff done.
I love having baby close by at all times…who doesn’t love snuggling a baby!!?
I love being close to my baby! 🙂
Keeping baby close without the sore arms or back
I love baby wearing because it lets me bond with my little one. I love being so close!
I love the closeness of having my baby near – and the fact that when baby wearing, I can get things done because she’s pretty clingy lol.
I love how happy baby is being worn.
I love that I can pacify him and get things done at the same time!! And the bonding!
I love the bonding times and getting to kiss a sweet baby forehead as much as i want while using it for practical purposes too. Now that babe is a little older, i love to have her see the world from my point of view! Love my little sidekick!
I love how calm baby wearing makes baby and how it promotes bonding
I love both having my son close to me, and being able to get other things done while caring for him!
I love not having to break out the travel system every time we go anywhere
I really love being hands free! 🙂
I love having my baby close to me!
Gives babies the chance to be near you so you can bond
I love the closeness of it and its very comforting for baby
I really loved babywearing with my second because it allowed me to still spend time with my daughter and have my hands free.
I love bonding with baby and having my hands free to chase my toddler!
I love that my baby feels safe and secure when I’m baby wearing!
Having my baby close and being able to cover them up when shopping.
I like to have my baby close to me and to have my arms free for things to do around the house.