I am sure you already know by now because of all my excitement that in just a few short days my husband and 4 children will be welcoming our new baby girl into our family. I wanted to share with you the power of prayer and God’s faithfulness.
A little less than two years ago I realized how badly my daughter wanted a sister. With 3 brothers I saw her desire for a sister. So her and I prayed, prayed for a year. She was thanking God for her sister in her prayers even before I was pregnant and I was praying for God’s will. I knew my husband did not want anymore children but I still prayed.
Then not last Christmas but the Christmas prior our family went to go see some Christmas lights which we go see every year in a local neighborhood. That year we did something different, instead of driving through the neighborhood we parked our van and decided to walk through it and see the several houses all decorated. I looked up at saw the street sign “Gabriel Lane” I just knew God was going to answer this prayer. The angel of The Lord (Gabriel) told Mary she was going to bear a child, Jesus.
He confirmed it moments later when I looked across the street at a decorated house that had a beautiful display with the word Joy and the nativity in the center of the “o”.
My daughter and I kept praying then just a few days before I found out I was pregnant (August 2012) my kids and I were at Costco and my social able daughter told an elderly lady that she wanted a sister, the elderly woman responded by telling her to pray and to be patient. See I knew that was for me to hear, it was a reminder from God to be patient. I was starting to lose hope in getting pregnant again but God wanted to remind me that He hears my prayers. This strangers didn’t know we had been praying and a few days later I found out I was pregnant.
When I found out I was pregnant people teased me and told me I was going to have another boy but I knew it was a girl and I knew what her name is supposed to be JOY after what God showed me that night when my family went and saw the Christmas lights. So when I had the ultrasound and they told me she is a girl I wasn’t surprised, I just smiled and thanked God for answering our prayers.
The amazing thing is that my daughter who was praying for a sister will be 4 this Wednesday (4/17) and 2 days later her baby sister will be born – that is a gift, a gift from God. She knows this is a gift, a gift that God is blessing her and our family.
During the duration of these prayers, praying for God’s will I knew that God was in control. Previously having 4 C-sections and a 5th baby would be a risk on so many levels. Scar tissue, complications, etc. Thankfully there have been no complications and I am at complete peace about my C-section this Friday. I know that HE is in control!
I share this with you because I see His fingerprints all over this and I give Him the glory. Sometimes when we pray He answers no, yes, wait. He answered yes and wait for my family. It was all worth waiting for. I am amazed at His goodness and how undeserving I am of it! If you are praying and waiting for His response, do not lose hope, He hears and He knows what’s best!
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. Psalm127:5
My quiver is full of these beautiful children and I give Him the praise and glory!


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