Each year we have certain traditions that our family follows during this time of the year. Then there are new ones we start and old ones we decide not to do anymore.
So what do we do for Christmas?
First off we celebrate the birth of Christ. How do we do that?
We do a daily Advent (the last 2 years we have done Truth in the Tinsel). Daily we read about the leading up to and the birth of Christ and then we do a craft accompanying the lesson. My kids make Christmas ornaments about the birth of Jesus.
We do have a Christmas tree (a little one) that is only decorated with our Advent ornaments, homemade ornaments or ornaments the kids made at church.Something new we started this year, for the month of December our homeschooling for history we are learning about the Biblical history of Christmas using The Arrival of a King.
This year I decided not to do Christmas stockings. Each year my kids get too much “stuff” so I have decided to cut back.
Our family goes and sees a live Nativity or a Christmas show of some sort.
We do not celebrate santa or anything else other then the birth of Jesus in our home. I do not judge anyone who does do santa, it’s a personal conviction that I have and stick by it.
This year we did decorate our house on the outside with a few strands of lights and a snowman that lights up – kind of plain compared to our neighbors!
On Christmas Eve my kids and I gather in the kitchen and make our Savior a birthday cake.
We drive to a local neighborhood that has blocks and blocks of beautiful Christmas lights. It is a fun time family time which we look forward to each year.
At our Community Bible Study our kids get up on stage and since Christmas songs to us moms (that will be this Wednesday). It’s a time where most of us moms have our cameras out and are all teared eyed!
Our homeschool group goes to a local nursing home and our kids sing Christmas carols to the elderly and read the birth of Christ to them. What a blessing this is to see these elderly folks and their smiles.
This is our 1st year doing Awanas, I am a leader for my 2 older boys class and we are having a party for them. Treating them to pizza and snacks.
On Christmas Eve we go down to my parents house which is an hour south of us and spend Christmas Eve. I have a large family, we all meet there and enjoy dinner together which my mother spends cooking all day. My stepfather is Cuban, she cooks a Cuban feast which I look forward to all year long!
Christmas Day we wake up and read the birth of Christ using What God Wants For Christmas. My parents drive up to our home and spend Christmas morning with us opening gifts and having breakfast.
Christmas evening we go to my cousins house south were we enjoy a nice Christmas meal together and the kids open a few more gifts. There we sing Happy Birthday Jesus and have birthday cake.
December flies by with so much to do. Through it all I try not to lose site of Who and what it’s really all about! Jesus!
What are your Christmas traditions? I would love to hear about them! Please leave a comment and share! If you disagree how our family celebrates you are entitled to your own opinion but please remember Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Luke 6:37

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