This week has been a bit lighter for homeschooling. We had a Happy Birthday Jesus with some close friends this week. We sang Happy Birthday Jesus and each of the kids had their own mini cakes and candles to blow out.
And then we made a few Christmas crafts. The good thing about this craft is that it’s a winter craft too so it can be done after Christmas if you were interested in making it too! Here is one of them:
Materials needed:
Egg carton with 3 cups cut out (I used the cardboard type so that the kids could paint it)
Blue construction paper
Orange triangle shape (for the nose)
Black paint
White paint
Thin sticks which my kids got outside
The kids painted each egg cup white and then once they dried we glued them onto the construction paper forming a snowman shape. Then the kids painted a hat, eyes, mouth and buttons. Then they glued the sticks on for the arms and then they wrote the Bible verse at the bottom of the page.
My 3 year old daughter did the same minus the Bible verse. She really wanted a big hat on her snowman though as you can see!

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