Do you have an educational post that is about your child and you would like to share?  It can be a craft, a lesson, sport etc. that your child learned this week. You do not have to be a homeschooler to LINK up below – happy to have you join us! Then come back every Friday and continue to share your learn and link post! Please do not link up educational reviews – thanks!

This week we made tornado’s in a bottle. I did this my preschooler, Kindergartner and 2nd graders.

Materials needed:
clear plastic bottles (I used water bottles)
tsp liquid clear soap
blue food coloring
4-6 tiny rolled up balls of aluminum foil

Give the child tiny pieces of aluminum foil for them to roll into balls to put inside the bottles.

Add the tsp of soap, then fill the bottle to the top with water and screw on the top

Then add the blue food coloring, I used 2 drops but I think it was too dark, maybe try 1 drop. 

Watch the dye swirl into the water then once the water has turned blue place on a flat surface for a few moments and then swirl it around in a circular motion.

In the picture it’s hard to see put as you swirl the bottle you can see a spiral “tornado” with the balls of aluminum foil twirl around.

What did your child learn this week? Link up below and share!

Mama to 4 Blessings is also linking this post up at:


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