As a mom or 4 I have realized that potty training is not just different for all children but for me it has been completely different potty training my boys and my daughter. My 2 older boys potty trained quick with an occasion wetting of the bed at nighttime while my daughter who recently turned 3 years old has been potty trained for awhile except most nights she wets the bed that’s where the Pull-Ups come in. The Pull-Ups have been a lifesaver because if I hadn’t had her wearing them at nighttime I would be washing her sheets daily.

The Pull-Ups make her fee like a big girl verses a diaper which is what I used to have her wear at bedtime but she caught on quick and said diapers are for babies like her baby brother. Plus one of the best features about the Pull-Ups is that she is able to pull them up by herself when she has to go potty before bed! When she wears the Pull-Ups at nighttime we haven’t had any leaking issues – yay! I do not have to wash her bed sheets daily!
Pull-Ups offers fantastic resources on their web-site to get you started and throughout your potty training journey. From Character Calls to Big Kid Timers. Making potty training fun and your children wanting to be a Big Kid!

Here are some other fun ways to help you along the way:


We have her stop drinking liquids at least an hour before bed and have her go potty before she goes to sleep. And if she wakes up dry or wet in the morning we encourage her along the way. Like I said potty training during the day has been a breeze and didn’t have a problem with it at all, she picked it up quick now it’s patience and training to get her to stay dry during the night time. During this journey Pull-Ups has been a huge help not just encouraging my daughter but myself as a mom as well.


I encourage you to sign up for the Pull-Ups newsletter and their Facebook for potty training encouragement as well as coupons and offers.


I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull-Ups. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating”

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