Sorry I haven’t posted any Apologia 5th Day Swimming Creatures posts lately. We got behind in lesson 4. Christmas and New Years we were a bit more relaxed, finally we have completed lesson 4 — Aquatic Herps!
We went to a local turtle rehabilitation to get more of a hands on experience.
This Loggerhead Sea Turtle was eating conch
These next 2 pictures are of baby sea turtles that were found on the beach
This sea turtle is hooked up to medication (the yellow box) due to an injury.
We ended our lesson with one of the experiments. To understand how a frog’s skin can absorb oxygen.
Materials needed:
We dropped 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla in the balloon, tied it and then put it in a food storage container for 30 minutes. The result was that originally the balloon just smelled like latex but after the 30 minutes was over you could smell the vanilla that absorbed from the balloon.

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