Ever heard of Flat Stanely? This is a great way to teach your child about Geography!
In 1995, Dale Hubert, a Grade 3 teacher in London, Ontario, Canada, began the Flat Stanley Project. He invited other teachers to take part by hosting flat visitors and to encourage their students to write their own Flat Stanley journals.
One of the many advantages of sending flat visitors is that they can visit friends by travelling in an envelope. Students’ written work goes to other places by conventional mail and e-mail. You can check out the Flat Stanley List of Participants (after you have registered and logged in) to see where you can send a Flat Stanley or who might be sending a Flat Stanley to you. You must have registered and be logged in to view the List of Participants.
Students make paper Flat Stanleys and begin a journal with him for a few days. Then Flat Stanley and the journal are sent to another school where students there treat Flat Stanley as a guest and complete the journal. Flat Stanley and the journal are then returned to the original sender. Students can plot his travels on maps and share the contents of the journal. Often, a Flat Stanley returns with a pin or postcard from his visit. Some teachers prefer to use e-mail only. Especially creative hosts send the Flat Stanleys back with pictures, souvenirs, stories and reminders of the visit.
The Flat Stanley Project is a penpal activity- but it’s far more than that, too. By sending a Flat Stanley it’s as if the senders and the recipients have a mutual friend- a little flat guy they can both talk about.
We are doing our Flat Stanley project a little diffrerent. Instead of sending him out like a penpal he will go with us when we travel, my husband travels for business trips, when other family members travel or we will mail him to family members out of state. During these visits JJ will jott down about where Flat Stanley went on his travels. We will learn about that state or country our Flat Stanley went too as well.
Interested? You can print the template here
Here is ours:
There is a front & back to him & them I laminated him.
I highly recommend reading the Flat Stanley books to your child (our local library has several of the books) Our favorite so far is
It’s a long book so we read a little each day for a week. This is the best book to start out with!
You can go to the Flat Stanley web-site for Flat Stanely free computer games and other Flat Stanley adventures!

I’ve never heard of this but it sounds wonderful! I can’t wait to check it out more!
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“All About Toys” http://bluepixo.blogspot.com
My kids aren’t quite old enough for Flat Stanley, but I’ve heard about it from when I was a teacher. Happy Friday!
I’ve kinda forgotten about Flat Stanley and never really considered doing him from home. What a great idea! Thanks!
I adore Flat Stanley! I’m glad to have found your blog. I’m a new follower from FF. I’m looking forward toa visit from you, too.
I’m sorry…I’m already a follower…apparently I’ve missed posts. Must be more careful!
Hey!!! I finally got an acct so perhaps we can stay in touch better. Ya know, since you… AHEM!… can’t return phone calls and are never on FB! Miss u! Love reading your blog and LOVE the photos! You’re doing such a great job. Don’t know how you find all the time and energy. Jake just did Stanley at school this past week! Miss u and love u! Drop me a line sometime!
We love Flat Stanley!! I did a whole thing on it when I was teaching. The children created their Stanleys and then we mailed them to their family and friends. It was so much fun. We had a big map in the hall and we tracked all of his adventures!
We love taking Flat Stanley with us. Its been an adventure.
I have heard about Flat Stanley and thought about it, but Selena may still be a little too young for it. I think I will wait for her to get just a little older, I would love the journaling to really be her entire creation.
I remember when my older children did this in school. Each child had to send a Flat Stanley to a family friend or relative who was to keep him for a few days or so and write down what they did. And then Flat Stanley came home with some souvenirs and a letter. They took them to school and made a poster. Til just recently my son still had his.
Mine are definitely too young now, but it will be something to keep in mind. Wonder why Flat Stanley looks different. And if we can still find one of the original pictures.
We love Flat Stanley, and he has been on some vacations with us.
I gave you a reading award on my blog:)
A few months ago Flat Stanley were traveling all over the blogosphere, but eventually sort of fizzled. In our family we have “a travel bear” that travels with one or all of us – he recently visited Germany and Israel 🙂 I really like postcard exchange – it’s a lot easier to handle at the preschool age.
We just finished reading Flat Stanley! We read it aloud, then my 8 y.o. daughter read it all by herself in one day! We also checked out the audio books from the library with 4 more Flat Stanley stories. We’re doing a lapbook now. ;0) Good idea to take the Flat Stanley on your own travels!