Can You Find Our 6th? (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky

From my family to yours, wishing you Christmas blessings. I cannot believe in a few days it will be Christmas! Anyways, here is our 2015 Christmas … [Read more...]

Joy In The Box (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky

  Why is it that kids have toys and they play in the box? The blocks all over the floor and she chooses to play in the box! Never fails! I am … [Read more...]

Bottoms Up! (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky

  Even though she is two she amazes me how she still does sweet things that she did when she was a wee little baby. One of them is sleeping … [Read more...]

Soaking It All In As Long As Possible (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky

  We are enjoying the very last bit of summer as our new homeschool year starts on the 24th. Soaking up the sun and the pool as much as … [Read more...]