Mama to 5 Blessings wrote this post on the behalf of Fibre-Craft and their PR Company. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way.
My 6 year old daughter loves to do crafts. When she is in the mood to craft it is hard to get her to stop! I admit I do not have it together either, many times I do not have all the supplies that she needs to craft. This is why I love Fibre-Craft’s Creative Hands because everything besides glue and scissors are included in these kits for kids to create!
Creative Hands knows how important art is to children’s learning. They know that working with old-fashioned glue and scissors is important for children to make their own creations. Each tote-able kit from Fibre-Craft’s Creative Hands opens up a world of let’s-build-this, without instructions or rules.
My children enjoyed putting together with these amazing craft kits:

Ooow… Perfect for summer break.. My daughter will enjoy it for sure..
My kids love anything with tape, glue, or glitter!
Sounds like my girls! Anything fun and shiny, or sparkly they are all about it! This would be fun.
This is such a cute and neat idea. I need to get a couple for when my niece and nephew come over.
These are so cute! My daughter used to love drawing, but now she is a writer 🙂 I’m entering this for the kids I babysit for! This would be fun!
Aw how cute. I love that smile on her face she is so proud of her work. I love this this hands on activities.
My Grandkids love art and craft kits. Kids are naturally creative,and anything that helps let their creativity flow is good.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this
These are awesome! I always have a crafty box full of things to keep the kids busy over the Summer! Or any rainy/snowy day!
We keep a craft box in the closet, too. It’s a lifesaver on rainy days.
I have a whole craft cabinet full of crafts and craft kits too but this is one great because everything is included!
These are awesome sets and they look like a great way to encourage creativity in little minds. With it being so hot during the day here we’ve been looking for creative ideas and I think we’ll have to give this one a try!
That giraffe is darling! I love that this kit comes with all the materials and they look like they are all good quality, not cheap at all. I’m really impressed with the price point and will have to look for these for my 5 year old!
Those look like fun crafty things to do. Love the giraffe…the smiles on the girls’ faces. 🙂
That is so cute. I bet that you kids really enjoyed this.
These look like great craft ideas for kids. My kids love crafting and painting so I’m sure they would love them!
Oh this would be a blast for most of my kiddos, the younger 5 anyway! This looks like such fun. The animals would have my kiddos attention!
My kids love making crafts and love giving kids crazy supplies for birthday gift.
I’m going to have to pick some of these up to tuck away for upcoming parties.
Looks like your kids had a blast!
My 3 year old son loves anything to do with painting, popsicle sticks, or creating characters. (:
This is sucha cute idea. I will have to pick up a few for my friends little girls. I think they will love it.
These kits sound fantastic. I used to love crafting with my kids when they were younger.
Those are so cute. I love finding craft kits because I am not crafty so having everything you need handy is great. My son is going to love having these to work on.
This looks like a lot of fun! I know kids always love fun crafts.
My girls love art crafts like these! Both kits look super fun!
This is such a great idea! These would make great gifts too!
this is great for my two year old son , to avoid anything that he doing this is for him to not get bored at all
These are so pretty. My girls love to write and do anything with paper. They’ll love this.
I can see why your kids love the kits. Those do look fun, actually. The giraffe is my fave. 🙂
I love activities like these that allow children to tap into their creative sides. There are so many educational activities that also can be tapped into due to the animals and their characteristics.
The kids liked trying paint by numbers. Thank you
It’s a tie between coloring and drawing.
My 5 year old loves to do crafts too. She is a big fan of coloring as well.
That looks like a really fun craft set. I always loved doing stuff like this when I was little.
These look super fun! I loved anything arts & crafts as a kid & still do 🙂
My niece likes coloring and play dough.
This totally looks like something my 5 yr old would LOVE. We are always buying craft kids to make together. She just loves this kind of stuff.
Both my kids love to do projects as well! Thanks for your recommendations!
My kids love to paint, everything, including the walls.
My kids would love the zoo kit. We cannot get enough of the animals in our household
Adorable crafts! I love idea of the Creative Fun Tote! Looks like everyone enjoyed it!
My child loves to make collages with whatever is around the house!
My little ones love to paint! We paint several times a week and do simple coloring crafts otherwise. They also enjoy cutting and pasting.
she loves to make crafts especially with containers and paper towel rolls.
My kids really enjoy intensive crafts that allow them to put creativity to work. Anything where they can design something within their imagination sparks interest and holds their attention.
My daughter loves to paint or color!
My kids love anything that involves paint!
My son probably loves finger painting the best, but he also really enjoys making things with salt dough 🙂
My oldest daughter LOVES to draw. She will sit for hours and hours just drawing all kinds of things.
My girl loves just about anything. She would have a blast with paint especially.
Arts and crafts are such an important time in the small ones lives I really encourage their imagination s
My kids love to paint and draw!!
Painting & lots of glitter.
My kids love all crafts. I think they both enjoy paper and glue crafts the most.
My kids like chalk art right now.
My daughter loves to draw and make things with clay.
My Kids favorite Craft is Making paper flowers
I really hope I win my girls would love this!!!
My favorite type of craft is scrap booking and painting as well
Right now my kids are really into any type of crafting. They love to color and draw pictures !
My crafty kiddos would love these!!!
Their favorite crafting is to paint pictures.
My son loves drawing pictures and trying to so origami, he also loves helping mommy make the friendship bands out of string that us older people did back in the 90’s lol. (well he holds it for me lol)
she loves to paint, draw and use construction paper to make paper crafts and also we make jewelry with things we have at home
My kids would live this and I would feel like I can actually do the craft since everything is there.
My son loves all kinds of painting, finger painting, watercolours, easel painting etc!
mY kids like to paint a lot!