Our summer is slowly starting as we are almost finished with most of our homeschool curriculum for the school year. So what does our homeschool family do over the summer? Well we continue to school LIGHTLY! We focus on Bible, math, handwriting and reading. We also will be doing some fun hands on science experiments and crafts. Going the free summer movies, bowling, pool, play dates, a few camps and traveling. Plus we take advantage of all the summer readings I can find which I would like to share with you!
Barnes & Noble / Read any 8 books and record them in the reading journal. Bring the completed reading journal to your local B&N store and choose a FREE BOOK from our selection on the reading journal list at the store.
The Scholastic Reading Program is a free on-line reading program for kids. Read, log minutes and earn rewards!
Chuck E. Cheese has a summer reading program where kids can earn free 10 Chuck E. Cheese tokens for reading each day for 2 weeks.
Local Public Library – Our local county libraries gives our reading logs and after a certain amount of minutes read the kids turn in their logs for free baseball game tickets. While our city library gives our reading books. My kids have participated the library reading programs every year and received wonderful prizes.
The HEB summer reading program mails kids a package of cool prizes (including a t-shirt) after they have read their books. After reading 10 book, log them on the form. Be sure to have a grownup put their initials by each book they have read. (Parents, you can read to your children if they are too young.)
Pottery Barn Summer Reading Program – children under 10 years of age on any day during the promotion period. Must present completed Award-Winning or Early Reader book list to receive a free book at participating Pottery Barn Kids stores.
American Girl Reading Program – This summer, are you excited to escape into a story? Or learn about yourself and the world around you? American Girl can prep you for pages of fun with ideas, quizzes, events, and more!
What reading programs do your children participate in?
Mama to 5 Blessings is also linking this post up at:
Sunday: Sunday Showcase // Monday: Deceptively Educational // Thursday: Artsy Fartsy Mama, // Friday: Living Life Intentionally, Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers,Homeschool Creations, Sunscholars

These are all so great. Our kids have assigned summer reading as part of their school curriculum, but I want more than that, so I will look into a few of these.
Don’t forget to check with your local library also. Most of them have some type of summer reading program!
yes it is on the above list 🙂
These all sound wonderful! My kids love reading, especially my oldest his zips through books like crazy. He’d love something like like this!
My oldest is like that. He’s been known to “go to bed” and then lay up in his bed and read an entire book.
My oldest love to read. My youngest, not so much. That’s why I like the summer reading programs that offer incentives. Then she looks forward to filling out the charts to get a prize.
My oldest is starting to read educational books on his own. It seems crazy after years of battling to get him to read – a great change though.
There are several I had not heard of, my youngest is going to love the Chuck E. Cheese. I also thought I saw somewhere that Starbucks is doing a reading incentive for kids.
My kids did Barnes & Noble’s program every summer! I didn’t know Scholastic’s was online. That’s awesome!
Yes, Scholastic is a great resource for kids online. I actually use it for teaching resources as well.
Thanks foe this list! My kids are avid readers and gobbles up books like candy. These incentives for the summer (in addition to our local library program) will definitely add to the fun! Prizes are always cool!
We used to do the Pizza Hut reading program. My kids loved it, and I loved that it kept them reading!
I wish we had a Pizza Hut around here. Most of them are gone now, but that is an AWESOME incentive for the kids.
We do the library reading challenge each year. I think we’ll be adding the Barnes and Noble challenge to the list too!
Awesome list! I always struggle with getting my daughter to read during the summer. I will have to get her involved in some of these. Thanks for sharing.
We participate in a summer reading program that is offered by our local public library. There are some great rewards like free bowling and free baseball game tickets (to our local minor league). It is fun for the kids and really does help with that Summer Slide!
My boys always love participating in the Pizza Hut book program because their school also does the same throughout the school year. This week they had their last book fair and we stocked up on plenty of books for them to start reading for their summer programs. I think this summer we might try the Scholastic reading program.
I’m excited about summer reading programs too. We have a really good one at our local library that both the little guy and the teen love.
it’s great to include reading as one of the kids’ regular summer activities. There are so many fun reading challenges out there for all age groups.
We do summer reading programs through our library. My kids love to read thankfully so it’s not hard to get them into it.
We used to do the Book-It program through Pizza Hut. Anything that gets kids to read (even a little bribery) is ok in my book!
How awesome. I totally need to check these out. We just stocked up at the book fair but that will only last us so long, LOL. I am totally going to check in on these. Thanks for sharing.
I love summer reading programs and think every child should do them. My kids used to love them.
I plan to do a lot of reading with my kids this summer. thanks for the help!
I had no idea that these places had reading programs! What a great way to keep the kids reading this summer!
This is a great reading list for the summer. We have a reading program in our program and my kids love it
I did not know that Barnes & Nobles had a free program. I will check it out this summer as i want to keep my kids busy with some reading
This is our last summer before Kindergarten, so reading is a seriously big deal around here. I plan to make this a reading summer from beginning to end.
This is a great way to get kids excited about reading over the summer. It’s a wonderful educational resource.
These are great for kids to read at summertime. They tend to get so bored and reading is so fun!
I sure hope I can get my son to do some reading over the summer. I always welcome ways to get him excited about reading
Thanks for sharing this fantastic list. Reading is such an important skill to teach your children.
I love imagination destination. Cannot wait until my kids are old enough to do these programs
I need to check out our library, I know they have a reading program that J would love.
We usually participate in the local library and barnes and noble one! Thanks for the reminder to sign up!
Nice programs – sharing with my daughter. The kids really enjoying reading.
This sounds like great programs. Kids definitely need to keep up their reading!
I always loved to read during the summer for fun challenges like these. I remember earning pizzas for book chapters! 😉
That is a great list. Summer reading is fun and entertaining.