Do you have an educational post that is about your child and you would like to share? It can be a craft, a lesson, sport etc. that your child learned this week. You do not have to be a homeschooler to LINK up below – happy to have you join us! Then come back every Friday and continue to share your learn and link post! Please do not link up educational reviews – thanks!
This week I do not have any real projects to post of the kids homeschooling. We had our end of the year homeschool party at the water park, we have had park play dates and trying to get back out. We have been homebound with the new baby but we are SLOWLY getting back into the swing of things. I find it a bit overwhelming with 5 kids and still sore from my C-section.
So this week I am posting something different, FREE summer educational fun activities for kids!
Download and print the reading journal. Fill out the student information on the first page of the journal. A parent must sign on this page in order for the child to get a free book. After your child reads a book they need to write down the title, author, and who they would recommend the book to and why in the reading journal. Your child will need to read 8 books to be able to get a free book from the Barnes and Noble summer reading program. Bring the completed and signed reading journal into your local Barnes and Noble book store between May 21, 2013 and September 3, 2013. Present it to an employee and they will let your child choose a book from the free book list.
Most library’s offer some type of reading program, make sure you check it out. Our library gives the children a form to fill out for their reading, every hour read is filled in and when the form is completed we return ours and the kids get free baseball tickets for our local baseball team. Then my boys and husband go with my best friends husband and their son. Boys night out!
The HEB summer reading program mails kids a package of cool prizes (including a t-shirt) after they’ve read their books. After reading 10 book, log them on the form. Be sure to have a grownup put their initials by each book you’ve read. (Parents, you can read to your children if they are too young.)
Chuck E. Cheese has a summer reading program where kids can earn free 10 Chuck E. Cheese tokens for reading each day for 2 weeks.
Not free but really cheap. You can see two movies per week (Tues and Wed) at 10am for $1 each!
1o movies for as little as $0.50 each if purchased in advance. Or just $1 if purchased the day of.
Check your local areas because it seems like many theatres offer free or discounted summer movies for kids.
Registered Kids can get TWO FREE games of bowling every day all summer long at participating bowling centers! I have already started receiving my free coupons by e-mail for our free bowling!
Kids, explore the seven continents and their amazing landmarks and icons on a 7-week voyage around the globe! Our 2-hour crafting adventures meet three times a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to noon for just $2 per child each session, ages 5 and up. US: June 17 – August 2 / Canada: July 8 – August 23
My kids and I did this last year and will do it again this year. They hand the kids a passport of their own that tells a country fact and then once the craft is completed at Michaels the kids get their passport stamped and have a nice craft to take home with them!
Mama to 5 Blessings is also linking this post up at:
Sunday:The Iowa Farmers Wife, No Time For Flashcards, Under the Table and Dreaming, 1+1=1
Friday: Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, Homeschool Creations, Sunscholars, Gricefully Homeschooling, Living Life Intentionally, Create Craft Love, Flaunt it Friday, Blissful and Domestic,Happy Hour Projects, Close to Home (Recipes), Happy Go Lucky,Petals to Picots, Craftionary
Saturday: I Can Teach My Child, Cheerios and Lattes, Crafty Moms Share, Polkadot Pretties, Teach Beside Me,Sugar Ants
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