My 7 and 4 year old have been taking summer homeschool Science classes at our local museum.
They have been learning about bridges and buildings – how they are build and what gives them their strength. In doing so they have had the opportunities to make their own bridges and towers.
For bridges they used gum drops and tooth picks to make a bridge structure.
Then with weights attached in the pie pan the kids got to see how much weight their bridges held. My 7 year old’s bridge held 1 1/2 LBS.
My 4 year old opted to add marshmallows to his structure to hold his toothpicks together as well.

 His bridge also held up to 1 1/2 LBS.

Then the kids learned about buildings / towers how they are structurally strong. Using triangle shapes in their building to make them sound.

Using uncooked pasta and large marshmallows the kids made their own structures.

 My 4 year old loved getting super messy with the marshmallows. Can you tell?

What fun Science activities are you doing this summer with your children?

Linking this homeschool post up to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, and delicate Construction, 1 +1 +1 = 1Homeschool Creations  and this week.

Science Sunday

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