My Mother-in-law can to visit us a few weeks back and my kids and I wanted to make her something special. Here is what we made her — this is a 2 part craft:
Part 1
Picture flower
materials needed:
plastic cup that you can cut
wide popsicle sticks
a picture
glue and scissors
Sharpie markers
strip of cardboard (I used cardboard from a cereal box)
Cut plastic cup into strips — making petals of the flower
Should look like this after all strips are cut, cut only to the center part of the cup
I had each of my kids color the petals with Sharpie markers. Cut picture out to fit over the center of the flower.
Color the stem of the flower (cardboard then glue it between the center of the flower and then glue the picture over it. Put something heavy on it and let it dry overnight.
Part 2
Popsicle Vase
Materials needed
empty glass jar (ours was a pasta sauce jar, clean it good)
wide popsicle sticks (regular ones will do too)
The kids painted the popsicle sticks with Q-Tips (less mess to clean up!)
Let them dry and then use LOTS of glue and coat the outside of the glass jar and place the poplsicle sticks over the glue side by side, wrap rubberbands around the jar (this keeps the popsicles to stay in place while drying) let dry overnight.
Then once everything is dried you can add your picture flower to the popsicle vase!
Makes a nice Mother’s Day gift, even more so if the colors in the flower and vase matched, my kids love color and this is what they picked! Next time we make the flowers we will use Dixie size cups!
Linking this homeschool post up to Homeschool Creations, Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, and delicate Construction this week!

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