Every year we take down our Christmas ornaments and decorations from our attic and decorate our tree and our home. This year in our home we are having a homemade Christmas. Yes, I enjoy doing the blog reviews/giveaways and black Friday shopping but instead of spending hours decorating our tree and home and not pulling down all our ornaments this year we (my family) are making our decorations and ornaments! Typically it takes me all day to decorate our tree with all my collectible ornaments. I want to use this time this year instead to sit with my family and make our decorations ourselves – having those treasured memories instead of placing store bought ornaments on our tree. This year we will be making a few homemade Christmas gifts, crafts and recipes which I will be sharing with you!
My children and I are using The Truth in the Tinsel (An Advent for Little Hands) this year where each day has a handmade craft to go with the story. I will be posting what we have done so far in a few days. I would definitely encourage you to purchase this e-book – it’s only $4.99.
Last weekend my children and I collected pine cones (one for each member of our family, a big one for my husband to a tiny one for the baby) at the park and last night my husband and 3 older children painted pine cones.



We put them underneath our small Christmas tree. These are the memories I want to create this year, to enjoy the blessing of family time God has given us!
What are you making homemade this Christmas? Share – leave a comment with your link!


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