Mama to 6 Blessings wrote this post on behalf of Zondervan. I received product in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 As a parent this Bible verse is vital. It is God instructing parents to teach them His Word and raising them to know Him. To do this requires dedication, time, prayer and His Word readily available.
Since my six children vary in a wide age range (11 years to 10 months) sometimes an ordinary Bible study will not work. So I find different resources that teach the Bible but that are on their age level. Lately I have been using two wonderful resources: The NIV Investigator’s Holy Bible, Uncover the Truth of the Bible for my older children and reading The Jesus Storybook Bible to my little ones.
The Bible can be difficult for children to understand. Using kid-friendly language and a detective theme, the NIV Investigator’s Holy Bible explains the Bible text for kids ages 6–10. It is not just your ordinary Bible but it has mystery-solving characters that invite children to investigate the Bible using the following features:
- Evidence—Bible book introductions answer what kind of book it is, who wrote it, what happens, and the “best part”
- Breakthrough—answers questions kids might ask, such as “Who were the Philistines?” and “What is The Spirit of God?”
- Scene—includes descriptions highlighting geographical information pertinent to a verse
- Witness—explains the meaning and history behind Biblical names
- Detective—quizzes students on what they have learned
- Case Closed—explores how the events of a particular book of the Bible relate to children as individuals
My kids are really enjoying this Bible. We use it daily in our studies and the extra facts draw my children in more which makes them want to learn more about God’s Word. Plus it draws them closer to God which is my prayer.
The Jesus Storybook Bible tells all the stories in the Bible. From Noah to Moses to King David––every story points to Jesus. He is like the missing piece in a puzzle––the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together. From the Old Testament through the New Testament, as the Story unfolds, children will pick up the clues and piece together the puzzle. A Bible like no other, The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to join in the greatest of all adventures, to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of God’s great story of salvation––and at the center of their story too.
For my little ones who tend to be antsy The Jesus Storybook Bible is a perfect tool because the colorful bright illustrations keep them sitting still and wanting to see more of the pictures. After I read we discuss the illustrations and I ask questions about what we just read. This Bible is not like any other children’s Bible I have ever seen because it is in storybook format which is on smaller children’s level which is captivating.
How are you teaching your children God’s Word? The NIV Investigator’s Holy Bible, Uncover the Truth In the Bible retails for $27.99 and the The Jesus Storybook Bible for $22.99. Both Bibles can be purchased directly from Zondervan. Free shipping for orders over $25.00!
Enter to win The Jesus Storybook Bible by entering on the below entry form to enter for a chance to win. Please let me know if you have any questions. Open to the US ages 18+.
Mama to 6 Blessings wrote this post on behalf of Zondervan. I received product in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way. . Mama to 6 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

I love how the Jesus Storybook Bible shows how the whole Bible, all the stories, fit together to tell one great story.
I love the Breakthrough feature—answers questions kids might ask, such as “Who were the Philistines?” and “What is The Spirit of God?” because I would be hard-pressed to answer some of these questions myself.
The illustrations will probably capture the attention of my grandchildren. I love the KJV Bible my parents gave me almost 50 years ago, but the NIV will be perfect for the kids.
My favorite feature of The Jesus Storybook Bible is that it tells all the stories in the Bible and every story points to Jesus. 🙂
I love how it tells the story of the Bible in easy reading form for younger and older children to learn and enjoy.
I love the bright engaging picture!
I love the pictures. My 3 year old would like them!
I love all the nice illustrations! 🙂
I love the questions it asks that helps kids make connections to themselves!