My family went away a few weeks ago and stayed on the beach in Melbourne, Florida (I will be sharing all about our stay soon). This plant was outside our back patio which was next to the ocean. Out of nowhere was this plant that sprouted this huge tree like plant from inside. I could not help not take a photo of it. Very unique!
What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks!

The century plants are amazing, my husbands dad has them on his property and we were able to get photos a few years ago when they bloomed.
Thanks for stopping by to share on #OMHGWW this week!!
Have a great week!
That is so odd but so cool. Very nice.
What an amazing looking tree. The base is very unusual too.
Have a great week.
That is one of the coolest trees that I have ever seen. I would have taken a picture of it, too.
That is such an interesting looking plant! Hope you’re having nice weather in Florida!
Congrats on getting away. I would love to do that. That is such a pretty picture I wish I was there. I also think that is a pretty cool and crazy looking tree and not something I have ever seen.
Beautiful and tall tree, I love your pic, thanks for the link , I follow back.
Looks lovely and unique indeed!
Oh wow, thats gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing with OMHG Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove x
Climbing to the sky!! Nice to have a getaway.
Found your linky at 5 minutes for Mom. Thanks for hosting.
What an awesome photo from your travels.
Here in Venezuela those plants grow like weed… they are like prehistorical.. haha I don´t like them that much, but yeah, I guess they are unique!
Really! Wow! I have only seen these a few times here in Florida. They get really tall!
I have never seen a tree like that before. Pretty cool looking.
This is my first time on your blog, and I am so impressed. I don’t know where you live, but it is always so nice to get away.
In Pennsylvania, we have Cyber School as an option for teaching the children at home and having some resources from the public schools. Our last student just graduated in June from the family. It gave a lot of flexibility and we all worked together on a supportive education.
Have a great summer!
That is the grooviest plant I have ever seen!
Happy WW
What a pretty plant. I haven’t seen one like that before. I need to visit Florida I think, so pretty!
Wow how tall is that plant? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one of those before!