Cuddle Time With Bear (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky




I went in and checked on all my kids nestled in their beds asleep before I went to bed and I found my 4 year old son all cuddled up with his bear. I could not resist not go downstairs to get my camera. 


luke with bear asleep


What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks! 


  1. So sweet. I used to do that when I was little too.

  2. That is so sweet! My kids never really got that attached to any stuffies but the other day I found my 6-year-old doing the same thing. So cute!

  3. Just adorable.

  4. OMgoodness – cuteness overload!

  5. There are no real words to describe that shot…… how about a sound? Ok? Aaahhhh!!! Takes me way back to when my kids were little.

  6. They are always your babies! Mine range from 23 to 33 and are still my babies! Hugs to you!

  7. Looks nice and peaceful

  8. Sleeping kids are so peaceful to watch!

  9. Awww. That is such a sweet pic! <3

  10. Naaaawwwww! Love these pics!

  11. how gorgeous πŸ™‚ they are so cute when they sleep arent they!

  12. That is such a cute picture, he is adorable.

    Have a great rest of the week!

  13. Precious!

  14. So cute! I love when my kids cuddle their toys!

  15. that is really sweet. When they grow up they still look kind of the same too.

  16. How precious. At 4 they can act so grown up at times but then moments like this just melt your heart and you remember just how little they really still are. Thanks for sharing at the #BigTopBlogParty

  17. Such an adorable capture… πŸ™‚

  18. Of course, you had to — so precious!

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