Mama to 5 Blessings wrote this post on the behalf of Disney Junior and their PR Company. Mama to 5 Blessings received product in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way.
No one gives better cuddles than Doc’s warm and fuzzy best friend! She’s a princess and a ballerina, and she’s always there for toys that need an extra helping of tender loving care. Just say three little words: “CUDDLE ME LAMBIE.” Join Doc and the whole gang as they laugh, play and have a ball fixing boo-boos and discovering great ways to stay happy and healthy. Celebrate the power of true friendship as new, sparkly heart toy Val shows Lambie there’s plenty of love to go around. Meet Donny and Alma’s monster creation Charlie – who turns out to be very sweet and not so scary after all. Then, see how Lambie gets out of a super-sticky jam!
Bursting with five song-filled episodes:
My Huggy Valentine / Dusty Bear
Awesome Guy’s Awesome Arm / Lamb In A Jam
Kirby And The King / Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose!
A Day Without Cuddles! / Collide-O-Scoope
Mirror, Mirror On My Penguin / Hide And Eek!
My daughter loves Doc McStuffins and Cuddle Me Lambie is a perfect addition to her movie collection. Doc McStuffins is a reminder how children use their creativity and imagination but it teaches compassion for others. As Doc McStuffins is always willing to lend a helping hand to help any broken toy that comes her way. Cuddle Me Lambie is a heart warming collection that is all about friendship.
Cuddle Me Lambie Hugs Warm The Heart is now out on DVD and is available for purchase at any local retailer. Plus right now inside this DVD comes 2 sweet Lambie hair clips for your little girl to enjoy!
Mama to 5 Blessings wrote this post on the behalf of Disney Junior and their PR Company. Mama to 5 Blessings received product in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way. Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Awww, that is so cute. My little guy used to love this show 🙂
I got this for my nieces and they love it. The lamb is just precious beyond words!
That is the cutest. I love kids shows that are super cute rather than super creepy.
Oh musical episodes great for Valentine’s Day this would be great for my niece, she loves Doc McStuffins! Maybe I’ll add this to her Valentine’s gift bag.
Having grown children I had never heard of this before, but now that I have grandchildren I have to get caught up on the latest things for little kids. These sound so cute.
Little kids love Doc McStuffins. Even boys enjoy playing doctor. I have never seen the show but I know of it because its so popular. That lamb is adorable and I know a kid who would love one.
This is so cute, what child would not like this. Just in time for a sweet Valentines gift too.
Awe, this is adorable. I’ll always remember my twins and their love for this series, they were so fascinated! lol
Oh how cute! We love Doc McStuffins in our house! My girlies would love this, both of them just adore the show!
We love Doc McStuffins. My Liv doctors her animals too. 🙂
My girls loves Doc McStuffins. They are always watching her show during the day and then they play Doc.
I have seen parts of this show and it is so cute!!! I can see why your daughter loves this show.
My girls love Doc McStuffins. This looks cute!
My daughter is a huge Doc Mcstuffins fan. I am sure she would love to have this DVD added to her collection
O hadn’t heard of this little friend. It sounds like a cute series!
My babies are now teens, but this sounds so sweet and exactly what they would have loved when they were younger.
Awwww… I have 2 Granddaughters and they sure do love hugs. They would really enjoy the Cuddle Me Lambie Hugs.
My youngest is crazy about Doc McStuffins and she would just love one of these to cuddle!
Oh, that looks so sweet! How cute that it comes with Lambie hair clips!
I watched Doc Mcstuffins for the first time a few days ago. Such a cute show.
Doc McStuffins is so cute. My kids have outgrown this stage. But I will keep this in mind for when the grand kids come along. Although we still have a few years before then.
I’ve missed the Doc McStuffins craze (my daughter is 14) but I love the idea of this show. This would be a cute addition to any library.
Oh, I would love to get this for the little kids in my life. Anything sheep related is right up my alley, and I don’t know any little kids who aren’t in love with Doc McStuffins.
Oh my daughter would love this. She is such a big fan of Doc Mcstuffins.
My babe would be all over this since she’s 2 and a huge Doc fan.
This is so cute! My daughter doesn’t know Doc, yet, but I’m sure Lambie would be loved anyway!
My daughter LOVES Doc! We need new episodes to add to our rotation, this is perfect!
My Daughter is just getting into Doc McStuffin’s and all their toys and movies. She is all about the girl Doctor stuff. It’s so cute. This looks like something she’d love.
My kids love Doc McStuffins. I will have to pick up a copy of Cuddle Me Lambie Hugs Warm The Heart. I love that it comes with hair clips.
That is so cute. Great and love Doc McStuffins.
My daughters love Doc McStuffins! The baby also is getting into hair clips. It’s super funny watching her find clips and give them to me to put in her hair. She’d love these.
I hadn’t heard of Doc McStuffins yet! This looks so adorable!
My daughter loves this show. WE just got this DVD set.
That looks like a great dvd. I think my kids would really like this movie.
What a cute little lamb. Can’t wait to have a little girl to buy toys like this for.
Aww my little one is just past the stage of loving these cute kind of songs. I miss them already!! 🙂
My granddaughter will like this soon. I just commented that my youngest is just outgrowing this stage, and I miss it already! I like to sing the little songs w/the kiddos in the car. 🙂 If this comment is a duplicate, that’s because my computer kept spinning, so I commented again. 😉
This looks like something that would be so much fun for kids to enjoy. I will have to see if my little nieces and nephews are into this. Would make a nice gift.
This would make sure a cute gift for my friends granddaughter! Heading to check it out!
Awwww! We love Doc Mcstuffins! We saw her in person at Disney 🙂 haha
My daughter is a huge Doc Mcstuffins fan!!
I don’t know a whole lot about Doc McStuffin as kiddo is not really interested in watching. We don’t have cable but we can stream it. She’s 10, and much more involved in My Little Pony, Ever After High and Monster High. But I think Doc is really cute.
Aw, the cuddle me lamie is so adorable; I bet kids are going to love this a lot!
My niece is a huge Doc McStuffins fan. I haven’t seen the show myself, but from what I hear, it’s a really popular one among the smaller set 🙂
This sounds really cute. I think my little niece would just love the DVD.
We never got into this show. My kids are a little older, and I think it just started as they were getting out of these. Looks cute though!!!
We have this and my daughter loves it!
I read a pretty funny article the other day that showed that Doc McStuffins gave better medical advice than Dr. Oz. It was satire but had more than a grain of truth in it.
That looks SO cute! I bet my kiddo would love it!
This is so precious!! It would be perfect in an Easter basket too!
Awww, adorable! Doc McStuffins has the cutest things ever.
Aww she’s so cute! My Daughter loves Doc McStuffins and her birthday is coming up so I’ll be adding this to her Birthday list 🙂
We just picked up an order to do a doc mcstuffins cake for next weekend. It’s a pretty fun little show.