My Little Snail – Wordless Tuesday/Wednesday With Linky

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Need I say anything other than I couldn’t resist? 


joy (turbo) 7 months

Whatโ€™s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below โ€“ G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is an Wordless Wednesday linky only.  All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks! Looking for an additional place to link up, Home Grown Families offers a Wordless Wednesday too!

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  1. If there was an award for the cutest WW photo of the week, I am pretty sure those four-eyes would win. Great photo.

  2. That has to be absolutely the sweetest picture I have seen in a long time! I can see how you could not resist!!

  3. Awe, that is a such a precious photo!!!

  4. Adorable! Thanks for hosting…

  5. Oh my goodness. So adorable!

  6. I love the headband! Too cute!

  7. You win! Cutest photo!

    Teresa from

  8. Now that is definitely the definition of ‘four eyes’.

  9. Oh my goodness, too cute. Bet she is faster than a snail though.

  10. Awww she is adorable.

  11. That’s so cute! I love the big eyes on her and on the snail.

  12. aww so adorable!

  13. In a word – adorable! Just adorable. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. How irresistible!

  15. Absolutely priceless!! Mine are now 18 & 22 years old โ€ฆ sometimes miss those moments ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for hosting WW.

  16. Oh my gosh, SO cute!

  17. Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! ADORABLE!

  18. Awww. That’s adorable.

  19. Ha, what a sweetie! Those round blue eyes are a perfect match.

  20. Amy Desrosiers says:

    So cute! Her big blue eyes match the head piece!

  21. she really is adorable!! and how cute is she in her turbo headband!!

  22. Aww! She is such a cutie with her little snail eyes. ๐Ÿ™‚ She is a cutie without them too!

  23. LOL! So stinkin adorable!!!

  24. Oh my goodness, what an adorable little snail!

  25. Seize the joy. She’s adorable!

  26. ADORBS!!!! No words necessary.

  27. I loved that pic!!! What beautiful eyes!!!

  28. that’s the CUTEST snail i ever saw!

  29. Oh those eyes. Beautiful photo.

  30. Ahh adorable! thanks for sharing! love the pic!

  31. Visions of turbo flashed in my head! She is such a little sweetie!!
    {and she is going to be horrified this picture ended up on the net when she is older!}

  32. So Adorable! One major cutie!

  33. She is beautiful!!!

  34. Thatโ€™s an adorable photo!!!

  35. She has the adorable factor going on!

  36. Now that is the cutest thing that I have seen all day long!

  37. What an adorable photo!

  38. Ohmagoodness, cue the cute! She is precious, and I love the picture!

  39. Love that picture! I think she has a lot on her mind (even if she is wordless)!!

  40. OMG!! She is beautiful. Love the headband

  41. LOL! My boys have the Turbo snail eyes! Always a cute photo winner!

  42. She looks like a Gerber baby. Love the headpiece.

  43. She is adorable! I love that snail headband!

  44. Awww, that is just too adorable! What a precious pic of your little princess!

  45. OMG.. that is a perfect picture.. It sure put a smile on my face.. she is soo cute.. thanks for sharing and making my day ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Just completely adorable and perfect!

  47. What a cutie! She is just beautiful!

  48. What a cutie. I love the little snail headband.

  49. Too stinkin’ Cute! I love it!

  50. What a cutie pie. I used to love to dress my kids up in cute outfits. Great wordless Wednesday post.

  51. Her eyes are just so beautiful. They even stand out more than the giant eyes on the snail!

  52. That headband is hilarious!

  53. Awww she is a cutie!

  54. You little one looks so cute with her little headband. It is really just adorable.

  55. Very cute!

  56. Aw, that is the cutest little snail I’ve ever seen! Your baby has such beautiful eyes too!

  57. LOL That is toooo cute for words! Adorable!

  58. Wow. Mama’s little cutie for sure! How sweet!

    Thanks for linking up with Wordless Wednesday at Single Mother Ahoy!

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