Free Baby’s 1st Christmas Event at Babies R Us


This Christmas will be my baby girl’s 1st Christmas. It’s a new milestone for her. Babies R Us is having a fun way to celebrate your baby’s 1st Christmas. 
Babies 1st Christmas Event
Enjoy holiday festivities, givaways & prizes!
Get a $10 Babies”R”Us Gift
Card just for joining the fun! (One Gift Card per household. Quantities limited. No rain checks.
Promotional Gift Card valid beginning 6 hours after activation and expires 2/1/14 except where prohibited. Offer expires 12/7/2013)
Enter our in-store raffle for a chance to win an adorable New Year’s Eve outfit!
Create a holiday craft with your little one.
Depending on your baby’s birthday date is when you are able to join the specific date event.

Saturday, Nov. 9
January – March
2013 Babies


Saturday, Nov. 16
April – June
2013 Babies


Saturday, Nov. 23
July – September
2013 Babies


Saturday, Dec. 7
October – December
2013 Babies


I will be going will you?


  1. Oh this sounds great I know a friend that just had a baby I wonder if they are doing it near me.

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this! I am going to go!

  3. That is pretty cool. Too bad we don’t have a new baby.

  4. The first Christmas is always so special sounds like a fun promotional event.

  5. Appreciate the info… thanks so much!!

  6. This is awesome. This is my baby’s second Christmas, but I wish I knew about this last year. I will have to tell my friend who just had a baby in August.

  7. I have quite a few friends with new babies, I will pass it on thanks.


  1. click to find out more

    Free Baby’s 1st Christmas Event at Babies R Us – Mama to 5 Blessings

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