“This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.”
If you didn’t realize it this weekend we set our clocks back — fall back. It’s Daylight Savings Time! I never look forward to Daylights Savings Time because it normally throws my kids sleeping schedules out of whack.
Did you know that over half of moms (52%) feel that their baby’s sleep patterns are thrown off when the clocks ‘fall back’ and Daylight Savings Time ends? With five children it takes quite awhile to get everyone acclimated to the new time and you would think it’s only an hour difference but that one hour makes such a huge difference. So what can I do to make it easier for my children?
Kim West, LCSW-C, known to her clients as The Sleep Lady has some great tips to help you prepare for this weekends time change:
1) To help make ensure that your baby’s sleep doesn’t go completely off course, make a slow transition. Make a point to slowly adjust your child’s bedtime and nap times an hour earlier, just 15-30 minutes a day for a few days before daylight savings ends. This way, your child will already be adjusted to the time change. While you’re adjusting naps and bedtime, make sure that you also adjust mealtimes in 10-15 minute increments to help ease the transition.
2) To help your baby sleep more soundly, consider installing blackout curtains. My kids bedrooms have blinds and curtains over the blinds, why is this so important? It makes the room darker. Yes it will get darker earlier but it will get lighter outside earlier so their bedrooms will not be bright and this will allow them to sleep later not losing the initial hour.
3) Make sure that your children are well-napped during the day so that when the time change takes effect having a later-feeling bedtime isn’t as much of an issue. Between naps, make sure that your children are exposed to plenty of natural light; open the curtains, take an afternoon walk, or just play outside. To help your children adjust, about 30-45 minutes before naps and an hour before bedtime.
4) To ensure a full nights sleep for my little one and myself we use Pampers diapers. My two-year old son is a super heavy wetter and if I use any other diaper I find that he wakes up in the middle of the night all wet with wet bed sheets.
I do not know about you but I need as much sleep as possible especially since we have a new baby who gets up and nurses throughout the night. Pampers Baby Dry diapers offer little ones up to 12 hours of overnight protection! Pampers to my rescue!
Pampers Baby Dry has 3 layers of absorbency versus only 2 in an ordinary diaper. And with a wide UltraAbsorb layer, Baby Dry offers outstanding leakage protection and flexes for a snug, comfortable fit. Pampers Baby Dry diapers are available in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Lastly, my personal tip is to give little ones a bath before bed give them a nice warm bubble bath which I find makes my little ones relaxed and ready for bed instead of wanting to stay up later.
Participate in the #PampersSleepChat Twitter Party
The Twitter Party will take place on November 7th at 9pm EST. Chat about how the end of Daylight Savings Time can affect sleep patterns & get tips on easing the transition from The Sleep Lady, Kim West.
Join us and RSVP: http://twtvite.com/pamperssleepchat
Prizes include:
$50 AMEX Gift Card, $25 Children’s Place Gift Card, Pampers product and book by Kim West.
$100 AMEX Gift Card, Pampers Product, series of books by Kim West
Grand Prize: $500 AMEX Card to purchase sleep items such as a new crib, video monitor, etc.
To participate, follow your hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, sleep expert @TheSleepLady and our sponsor @Pampers.
Stay up to date with Pampers products by following Pampers on Facebook and/or Twitter.
“This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.” .
Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

#2 consider installing blackout curtains.
black out curtains for us also.
You definitely want the best protection in those overnight hours so as not to disturb their sleep! I think sleep is easier with the Fall change of time because it’s darker!
We set the clock back last week (Spain) and my daughter’s sleep pattern has changed. I struggle too! Thanks for great tips!
i like your personal tip a nice warm relaxing bath before bed.
I love Pampers. These are helpful tips to get a better sleeper. It took a few years to get my son to be a good sleeper. Good diapers help a lot.
Good Tips. Interesting facts!
I like any tips to help my baby sleep through the night! I personally like giving him a warm bath before bed, works every time!
Tip #1 Adjusting Sleep Time Slowly Is A Great Tip My Family Will Use.
Great tips. Thanks for the giveaway!
Luckily neither of my kids have had too much trouble adjusting to time changes. I’m hoping that continues this time too *knock on wood*
Had no clue it was daylight savings, HA!!! Great post, great tips… Thank you
Great tips – I actually wish we had blackout curtains in OUR bedroom! Would be well worth the upgrade, especially in the hot summer.
I love the idea of blackout curtains. The time changes always take me and my family about a week to get used to.
Black out curtains
I like the idea of blackout curtains
Blackout curtains were a lifesaver for us and we are still using them years later!
These are excellent tips for the time change! It always messes up my kids sleeping schedule too!
This will be my first year with a child with daylights savings day. I will have to try out these tips!!
The black out curtains are a sanity saver!
Changing the times little by little always works great for us.
Great tips! When my daughter was little, I always worried about the time change and the effects it would have on her. I wish some one would have shared these tips then!
These are great tips. We definitely started adjusting times slowly. Going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night. Now only if I could do the same. LOL.
We have blackout blinds in all of our rooms which helps a lot!
Daylight savings doesn’t really bother us in the winter but in the summer it can be rough!
On me that is… Not so much the kiddos 🙂
Great tips!
I know my children sleep better when I give them lavendar bubble bath and lotion before bed.
I like the idea of blackout curtains
My favorite tip is 2) To help your baby sleep more soundly, consider installing blackout curtains – See more at: http://mamato5blessings.com/2013/10/pampers-daylight-sleep-tips-pampers-childrens-place-giveaway/#sthash.DLWfrQx5.dpuf
we still put them to bed at the same time, regardless of the actual time, so they don’t have a problem
Only thing I have is blackout curtains.
Blackout shades started out as a summertime necessity but really help the most now with naptime.
We know a man that swears he gets his kids to sleep well (for many years, not just as infants) by turning the heat up after dinner so they’re full and warm.
The installing blackout curtains tip has already worked for us in years past. We also just stick to our normal routine and my grandsons adjust after a few days.
we can’t use bubble bath in our house but i did baby massage after baths
A slow transition would work best with my three grandchildren.
Drink more coffee 😉 lol…usually I just try to stick to our routine and the boys adjust pretty fast.
Great giveaway. you can never have enough diapers or PJs
3) Make sure that your children are well-napped during the day so that when the time change takes effect having a later-feeling bedtime isn’t as much of an issue. Between naps, make sure that your children are exposed to plenty of natural light; open the curtains, take an afternoon walk, or just play outside. To help your children adjust, about 30-45 minutes before naps and an hour before bedtime.
Love the blackout curtains idea!
I like the tip ensure that your baby’s sleep doesn’t go completely off course, make a slow time transition.
Great tips– I’ll be sharing it with my parent friends 🙂
The slow transition would work the best for me.
Making sure they are well-napped helps us a lot!
I am so thankful that daylight savings time doesn’t seem to have messed with my kid’s sleep too much yet. We do use blackout drapes in their rooms which has always been super helpful.
3) Make sure that your children are well-napped during the day! Wow – never realized how important that nap can be – my daughter never napped, but my granddaughter really needs hers!
Balackout curtains was one of the best things we did to help our kids sleep longer
I never thought of blackout curtains, but that is a great idea.
I agree with the black out curtains.. right now we have a newborn who does not like the dark though… I have to find away for him to sleep in the dark because that is the only way I can get any useful sleep..
making sure that the kids took a good nap definitely worked for us 🙂
my son is pampers right now and is a great sleeper most of the time 🙂
A bedtime routine is the best bet!
black out curtains so they baby stays aleep
Blackout curtains in the children’s rooms has helped us a ton! Also a regular night time routine that signals bedtime 🙂
We use blackout curtains and have a very solid bed time routine.
acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
I like the blackout curtains
blackout curtains..they really work
Giving your little one before bed is a great idea. It often relaxes them. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the super blogging.
This would be a great one for my grandson, grandma just got back from a visit with him and did change a lot of diapers while she was there.
I like the tip to slowly adjust in 15-20 min. increments.
I actually just let them get used to the time change naturally. I put them to bed at same time, then they might stay up later one day or get up earlier another, but in a few days they are back on schedule.
I like the tip about adjusting naptime by 10-15 mins
room darkening window treatments
I use blackout curtains.
I love the idea of blackout curtains.I don’t have any,but I do have heavy drapes and it does make a difference.
I like the black out curtain tip
Blackout curtains!!
Making a slow transition is the best tip from my point of view. We slowly work into the time change throughout the week.
I have not tips other than waiting out the time transition. It usually takes us a few days to get back on schedule.
blackout curtains is a great tip most people dont consider
We definitely do the “slow transition” tip… thanks.
To slowly transition them and giving them a warm bath before bed too!
darkening curtains!
Change the shedule up by 1 one. The transition will be smoother
I like slowly starting the transition with your kids
I like the idea of blackout curtains. We also use a white noise machine to help quiet the outside noises so they can sleep soundly.
I like the tip to black out the curtains.
black out curtains
Adjusting sleep time slowly is one we always use
I like adjusting our sleep time.
#2. We still have the black out shades and love them
This time with daylight savings, it hasn’t messed with the kids too much. We have like the one tip said, eased them a bit into it by having them go to bed a bit later a couple days before and that made it nicer so when they were up, it wasn’t 6am but closer to 7!
getting clocks that automatically set themselves LOL
I think making a slow transition is really great advice!
Blackout curtains are a great idea.
We adjusted bedtime slowly.
We try and keep routines, kind of trains their body to do things at certain times even when the sun is being goofy. We also use black out shades and sound machines to help them sleep better.
We try to go to bed a bit earlier when we spring forward
I like the tip to install blackout curtains
I like tip #1 – make the transition slowly! This is what we try to do and it works well for us!
Just adjusting bed time slowly works for our family. Over a week or so. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Making sure my baby is wellnapped and blacking out the curtains
We use blackout curtains – bonus: they cut down the chill through the windows when it’s super windy outside. 🙂