Here are some fun Valentine’s activities / crafts we did last week.
My 4 and 6 year old boys did this craft:
I printed off a heart coloring page, taped it to the outside of the glass sliding door with the heart facing inside, gave the boys puffy paint and had them trace hearts on our glass door. They loved this! It comes off easy with a bit of Windex and razor blade.
We have a big tree in our backyard, my kids looked for “heart” shaped leaves that fell from the tree.
Last year I had saved candy heart shaped chocolate boxes, I used them for my daughter. You can see it HERE. This year I used them in a different way, using similar foam shape manipulative’s as the shapes in the chocolate boxes, I had my 2 year old use tongs and place them in the matching shape and close the lids on the boxes.
Stay tuned for more Valentine fun!
Linking up at Living Montessori, 1plus1plus1equals1, Homeschool Creations and Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers this week!

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