After much thought – I can up with my homeschool organization plan for my 1st grader! Now with a 1st grader, a preschooler and toddler to teach – I need to be organized!
For my oldest I will be planning a month in advance, here is what I came up with:

I took 2 folders (same color) and a corresponding evelope pouch folder, I labeled each one: week 1, week, 2, week 3, week 4.

For items I have to make copies of in workbooks, etc. I will flag them with the same color flag as the corresponding folder so when I make a copy I do not have to scurry around trying to figure which week they go into. So I make the copy and automatically put it in the correct week folder!

I pull all my curriculum (this picture doesn’t show all of our curriculum, I realized after taking the picture that I forgot to pull art, reading, handwriting and language), I flag the pages we will be using with the color flag that matches which week we will be teaching that subject, if it’s a workbook that I will be making copies of, I make the copy and put it in the correct folder.

Then I store the month’s worth of folders in a filer sorter, the workbooks and larger books to go with each week that are pulled will go in a rubbermaid bin , this way I am not searching for books each week – I have it all together!

Next, I will be posting about our workboxes for my 1st grader, preschooler and toddler – come back and check it out!

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