Last June I have had enough. I felt crummy and I was tired all the time. I needed to do something so I did a bit of research and I decided a change my … [Read more...]
Kids Rainbowfish Craft
Our homeschool co-op has ended for this school year but we are still doing math, reading and grammar. We went from schooling … [Read more...]
Frozen Yogurt Bites Using Fun Candy Molds
In the past I couponed but it fell to the waist side due to lack of time. With 8 of us our grocery bill is ridiculous! I knew there was … [Read more...]
Up-Cycled Tic-Tac Earbud Container
My family likes to go camping. We used to go one time a year but after we purchased our camper we have gone more than one time a … [Read more...]
20 Tasty Heart Shape Recipes
Valentine's Day is today so....... Happy Valentine's Day! This is the time of the year to give and receive chocolates, flowers and cards but … [Read more...]
Valentine’s Day Handprint Hearts Craft
Love is in the air.... I am a little late doing Valentine's Day crafts with my kids so I decided to do an easy handprint heart craft … [Read more...]
Pizza Recipes For Anytime of the Day! #NationalPizzaDay
My kids favorite food is pizza. They would eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner if I let them. I guess a lot of people feel the same … [Read more...]
Daily Homeschool Assignment Organization (Free printable)
It's a new year, time to evaluate what is working and what is not working in our homeschooling. This is our last week of … [Read more...]
Ham, Cheese & Veggie Omelet Casserole
I purchased a spiral ham for our family to eat for Christmas dinner. A whole ham can last awhile. We ate it for a few days with the leftover … [Read more...]
Footprint Snowmen – Kids Craft
Another mom and I watch 6 babies (including my own baby) in our homeschool group in the nursery while the older kids are in their homeschool … [Read more...]