I have had a diaper bag for 13 years. Yep 13 years! My oldest is 13 years old and our youngest is 2 years old. I have gone through several diaper bags in my time as a mom. As babies grow diaper bag needs tend to change. I am at the toddler phase (hoping and praying to be at the baby phase again in the future). I have cleaned out my diaper bag to suit my toddler’s current needs.
First on my list of essentials obviously are diapers. I typically pack 3 to 4 diapers depending on how long I will be gone for. If it’s all day I will add a few extra diapers. Once my little guy is done with all of our disposals (I have lots due to amazing coupons and sales which I could not resist) I will go back to cloth diapers.
Hand sanitizer a.k.a germ gel. It is not a secret I am a germaphobe! With so many germs hand sanitizer is a must for when you are not near water and soap.
Sippy cup for when your little one is thirsty.
Sometimes like adults toddlers want a snack so packing things like applesauce, crackers or other toddler snacks is great to have available.
Do not judge me. My little guy just turned 2 and he still nurses. I have no plans to wean him. He nurses frequently so I like to make sure I am covered while nursing him in public with my nursing cover.
I cannot tell you how many times my baby has had a diaper leak or made a mess on his clothes. These things do happen so a change of clothes even if it’s one set of change of clothing is a necessity.
One of the biggest must’s are baby wipes. They are needed to clean baby up from messy diapers as well as wiping little hands and faces. My new favorite band baby wipes are Northshore because they are heavy-duty with a quilted design that provides a perfect one-wipe cleanup without tearing. Each wipe is pre-moistened with a soothing formula of Aloe and Calendula which keeps baby’s skin moisturized and healthy. Plus they are hypoallergenic, unscented and alcohol-free.
Sometimes I have had to change diapers in odd places because a bathroom was not available. I do not know about you but I do not want my baby laying on some dirty area to change a diaper and I am sure no one wants to touch a surface after I changed him so a changing pad is the best option. As I mentioned before I love the baby wipes by Northshore. Not only do they offer baby wipes but they offer waterproof, disposable changing pads as well. These premium changing pads pack perfectly for on-the-go use. They provide a sanitary barrier beneath your infant when changing diapers whether at home or away. Ideal for use at changing stations in public bathrooms.
Depending on the time of year sunscreen should also be added to your diaper bag. We live in Florida so for us sunscreen stays in our diaper bag as well as a sun hat.
My little guy has a favorite blanky (blanket) so I make sure it’s always clean and in the diaper bag. When he falls asleep he likes to be covered with it.
Wetbag or dry bag for soiled clothes or dirty cloth diapers so that the rest of your diaper bag does not get dirty or smelly.
You never know when your little one will need a Band-Aid or get a fever so that is why I also keep a small first aid kit in my bag which consists of cortisone for bug bites, Neosporin ointment and diaper rash ointment. Plus some of these items are great to have handy for my other 5 kids too!
Let’s face it baby’s can be messy especially when they are eating or drinking so making sure a bib is in your diaper bag is a good idea as well.
Baby’s get antsy and sometimes bored. So I keep an old cell phone in my bag that has baby friendly shows or video’s on it that he can watch. He particularly loves Baby Einstein. Other small items like small chunky books or toys are also a good way to keep baby occupied.
If you are not familiar with Northshore products as I indicated above they are available for purchase directly from Northshore who is offering my readers a 20% discount on their Supreme Quilted Baby Wipes through June 30, 2018 – using code NBW20.
What do you pack in your diaper bag for your little one?
Mama to 6 Blessings wrote this post on behalf of Northshore and US Family Guide. I received products in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way. Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

These are such great suggestions! Especially that hand sanitizer and change of clothes – toddlers are super messy!
These are all great things to have in a diaper bag. I know I carried most of those in mine when my kids were babies. I used the wipes for more than just diaper changes. So handy.
Great suggestions. I’ve never seen this brand of wipes before – I wonder if they are available in Canada. I’ll have to look into them for my grandson.
This is really helpful!! You’ll never know when you’re gonna need these, so it’s really important to be ready all the time!
I so wish this list was around when my kids were younger. I seriously carried our entire house around in a bag!
When my girls were smaller and I carried a diaper bag around I would pack just about this same items too. Plus, a water bottle and snack for me. I needed to have some fuel available at hand for me as well. Very important.