My boys love to climb tree’s however, this is one they will not climb! Yes, these spikes hurt I actually pressed my finger on one to see if it would hurt and sure enough they are sharp.
I have never heard of a White Floss Silk Tree before?
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I’ve seen those trees — they’re like cacti!
I have never seen them before, we were at Lion Country Safari and it was in their garden area, thankfully it had a fence around it. I cannot imagine kids getting poked by it!
I dont think I would try and climb that tree with its spiky medieval weaponry!! Makes for an interesting tree in landscape though. THanks for sharing on the #OMHGWW
Pinned to share!
Goodness! This is the first time that I saw a tree like this! Ouch all over if you go near it!
You touched it to see if it was sharp, made me laugh because that’s exactly the kind of silly thing I’d do too!
LOL I could not help myself!
WOW! What a tree. I have literally never seen anything like it, and I will definitely not be climbing one!
Never seen anything like that before! Very interesting!
Yes, that would hurt! I’ve never heard of that kind of tree before either. Thanks for linking up for Wordless Wednesday.
oh my goodness. Never heard of that before, but definitely looks like it would be painful! Yikes.