This is a sponsored post on behalf of Footprint ID and their PR Company. All views and opinions are honest and of my own.
You can imagine all the medical information, doctor and hospital visits with having a large family. For instance my five year old daughter has been diagnosed with asthma and she has a low immune system. Even a common cold has landed her in the hospital. Then you have my four year old son who has had problems with his ears which has reflected his poor speech so he has required visits to different doctors. How on earth do I keep track of all this? I hate to tell you but it’s all in my head. If something were to happen to my husband or myself no one else would know the medical history of our children. I do keep a medical folder with doctor office receipts but that is not really good record keeping.
How can I keep all my children, husband and my medical information together in one place? What if your family had an emergency. With no time to spare? The FootprintID App gives paramedics and emergency physicians access to your family’s health records when they are needed most. Plus when times are stressful and there is an emergency it is hard to remember details, conditions and medical history. This information is so important that it should be carried around with you at all times because you do not know when an accident or emergency can occur.
So how does it work? Simply register for a new account then enter and update your medical and health history. FootprintID will provide a form letter that can be sent to each of your medical providers, requesting the needed health history. Your portal can maintain unlimited information ranging from allergies and medication to chronic illness care records and lab reports, as well as all images such as EKG’s and CT scans which is great for big families like mine. Then download a printed health history request form letter that can be sent to each medical provider.
Finally download the FootprintID Smartphone App. at Apple iTunes / Google Play Store. Then you will receive a membership card for each member plus a multi function bag tag. Both will include the membership number and emergency code for first responders to immediately access your health history.
Plus this service is super affordable at only $40 for the first member and $30 for each additional member! What a great deal for a sound piece of mind! How do you keep rack of your medical records?
This is a sponsored post on behalf of FootprintID andd their PR Company. All views and opinions are honest and of my own. Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Love this! My two year old has had a medical journey and we have been all over. I have paperwork from tests, appointments etc. in a file box, which is not very transportable. This would be perfect!
This is great, I love that there is only a one time fee. I’ll be honest, there are some vital medical facts about myself I don’t even have down. I could really use this!
The one time fee is great. I am sure lots of people will use this app.
Now this is really a good idea. Especially since my Hubs and I do a lot of traveling.
I agree with Terry. Traveling instantly came to mind for me too.
Yikes, I can’t even tell you how screwed up our stuff got in the system at Kaiser, not even sure something like this would’ve helped but it would have been nice to have something at least. Its very important to keep your own set of records with you, you never know where you will be and who you will need to see.
This app makes keeping track of your child’s medical records very convenient. Who knows when you might need them…
I love the idea of this. It really would work for anyone who has medical records at all!
They say there is an app for everything. This proves that that’s not always a bad thing at all!
This is really interesting! I have 3 kids and so much medical nformation so this would be greta to have.
This is a great service. I always forget some of the medical records of my family members. It is worth it
Wow, this is such a great idea. They come up with so many things!
I need to check into this app. My youngest suffers from epilepsy so I need to make sure leave a detailed medical records.
Love this Info! I am going to have to look into the app further. Would it be safe to say that Canadians could use this app aswell?
I actually work in a medical records department and can’t believe what a mess things can be sometimes. When it comes to anyone but especially a child, having that record is so crucial!
Good advice from someone who has been there. Sharing.
I’ve never seen this before, what a great idea!
Finally, an app that is truly worth downloading. This is a great idea, I worry about these types of things all the time.
I love this concept! My oldest daughter has had multiple head and eye surgeries for hydrocephalus and it is so easily to get confused or lose track of the latest info. Being able to have this info easily accessible and not have to paw through files of papers would be great!
This is pretty cool- I hadn’t considered it before but, you’re right, no one is going to know a child’s medical history but the parents (or at least not typically). Lucky for us, we have no real health issues that would require disclosure in our family.
That is such a great idea. This can help so much.
This sounds like a great app and I’m going to look into it further. My daughter has a significant medical history and I think this would be good for her.
What did we do without technology and apps? This will be awesome!
I love this idea! Technology is so amazing. I would love to have my records in one place.
so convenient! What an easy way to keep info at your fingertips
That is so handy in case of emergency. You never know when you’ll need it.
I’ve never heard of such service. I can totally see why this would be very good to keep all the medical info in one place. Great review, thanks for sharing!
Why haven’t I ever thought to store medical records in an app. This is so smart!
Such a great idea. It would be very helpful with my husband who as a lot of medical issues.
Reading what you had to say about keeping all the info in your head… it really struck home for me. Not just in terms of health, but also finances, pension, insurance, etc. It’s important information to keep accessible in case anything ever happens. Thanks for bringing it to mind and suggesting a useful app!