Mama to 5 Blessings wrote this post on the behalf of Family Christian Bookstore. Mama to 5 Blessings received product in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way.
I want my children to know that hate is not OK. It is not OK nor will it ever be to think less of someone because of the color of their skin. I teach them that we are all created in the image of God. The Bible is my first and foremost resource for teaching my children but I look for other Christian based resources to incorporate in our learning as well. My place to go is Family Christian. I recently purchased a wonderful book for my children at Family Christian called Hero’s In Black History by Neta Jackson and Dave Jackson which is a great resource to learn about Martin Luther King Jr.
Book Synopsis:
Drawn from the lives of key Christians from the past and present, Heroes in Black History: True Stories from the Lives of Christian Heroes is an inspiring collection of forty-two exciting and educational readings that highlight African-American Christians through short biographies and true stories. Whether this book is read together at family devotions or alone, Heroes in Black History is an ideal way to acquaint children with historically important Christians while imparting valuable lessons. Featuring heroes that include Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, William Seymour, Thomas A. Dorsey, Mary McLeod Bethune, Martin Luther King Jr. and many more. This book includes brand-new material as well as content from previous Hero Tales editions.
With Martin Luther King Jr. Day coming up Monday, 1/19 I wanted to get a book and read about his life and make it our history lesson for the week. Hero’s In Black History gives a wonderful timeline about his life and all the wonderful things he did in his lifetime. That he lead a life with a goal for equality. For each hero in the book it is broken up into three sections and at the end of each section a Bible verse is given along with questions to go over with children. For me I love that part best because it gives me a chance to see if they are listening what we just covered, I guess that is the homeschool mom in me.
Not only does Family Christian offer Heroes In Black History but they have other wonderful books on Martin Luther King Jr. as well such as My Daddy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and How Much Do You Know About It?
Along with our Martin Luther King Jr. lesson we made a craft. A craft that represented unity, peace and love. With colorful hand prints joined together accompanied by the Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 12:13 — Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.
Materials for craft
Black, White, Yellow, Brown Acrylic Paint
Black Sharpie
Ribbon Or String
Hole Puncher
Have each child paint their hand a different color then press them the hand prints on the card stock in a pattern were they are touching each other. Once they are dry add the Bible verse in the center which my son did. We also added Martin Luther King Jr. famous speech I had a dream. Then instead of leaving it as a square shape we cut it out into a fun shape. We hole punched it and tied a piece of string through it an hung it on our door.
How are you teaching your children about Martin Luther King Jr.? Family Christian can help with their wonderful selection of kids books! Hero’s In Black History is available for only $5.00 and can be purchased directly your local Family Christian store or on their web-site. Looking for Martin Luther King Jr. books for yourself, they have them too!
Enter to win a $10.00 gift certificate to Family Christian Bookstore by entering on the below giveaway form to enter for a chance to win. Please let me know if you have any questions. Open to the US ages 18+.
Mama to 5 Blessings wrote this post on the behalf of Family Christian Bookstore. Mama to 5 Blessings received product in exchange for an honest review. This is not a sponsored review and all views and opinions are of my own and were not influenced in any way. Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

This is a fabulous posy. Thank you for the book recommendations. I was actually looking for a book to read with my child about Dr. Martin Luther King. I love the craft, definitely something my son and I could work on!
What a great man. I’m glad there is a book specifically to teach children about him.
I love the variety of products that they offer.
I love shopping for books and gifts at Family Christian – there’s always something appropriate for everyone!
I love their book selection.
This is an awesome giveaway. Each of my kids has now done a school report on MLK and I love that they understand the meaning behind a “day off at school.”
Nice. It is really important to remember the past as much as we can.
Wonderful learning resource about MLK. Inspirational!
Books really are the best way to learn and discover others. Enjoy the holiday!
He was definitely an amazing man, so good that there is resources that allow children to learn about him.
What a great giveaway. Also, what a great man to remember. So glad there is books to teach kiddos about who he was and what he was about.
what a great giveaway and books are the best way to learn for sure.
Great craft idea and an important holiday to teach our children about.
We have a similar store in our area called Cedar Springs Christian Store. I love this craft. It is cute but effective in teaching the kids what the holiday is about.
Great man! Fun craft for the kids! I want my daughter to learn so these books are great and the craft is fun and a lesson all in one!
He was such a great man and I love that kids are learning about the things that he contributed.
I like that they have a wide selection of wonderful products.
I love that they have a good selection of books for adults and children, along with videos. ALSO that they send coupons!
If only MLK was still alive today, he could see the progress we’ve made & how far we have yet to go. Hate is never acceptable!
I love the craft. It does a great job of teaching the children what the holiday is all about and how important Martin Luther King Jr was and what great things he did.
Awesome giveaway – books as giveaway is always exciting to me – especially great since books holds a lot of knowledge and stories in them,
Martin Luther King, Jr. did so many great things to advance common civility!! Def. a person to celebrate (and the kids love the day off school too 😉 🙂 ).
This is such a great post. I grew up in a big city and my mother was very aliment about making sure I grew up not seeing color. We are all God’s children. We’re all the same on the inside.
Oh I simply love your study on Martin Luther King. This is a strong point in my own personal history and I really enjoy sharing it with my kids. Thankfully, we are getting older as a nation and hopefully improving in some ways. However, ‘hate’ unfortunately would affect us – even if we all looked the same. Sad, but true. All we can do is address the behavior, and keep working hard to make a better world for everyone. Thanks for sharing! I’m visiting from Weekly Wrapup
My kids came home from school the other day and were so excited that they had learned about Martin Luther King. He was a wonderful man, and made great strides for equality. It really is sad to see that many people these days are taking ten steps back.
We have a lesson planned on Monday to teach about Martin Luther King JR. I am looking forward to it.
This is such an important thing to teach to our kiddos!
I like their after Christmas sale: great music, cards & whatnots!
That’s a great craft! I feel like I can teach my toddler a thing or two before she really understands!
What a great lesson to teach your children. We do the same, it is super important. I love that craft, it’s so powerful.
That is a great craft and what a great way to teach the kids about such an important man in our history. I love how it came out.
Such a wonderful giveaway. It is nice to have to give kiddos some books worthy to read.
I love that they carry Max Lucado books! I am excited to read Grace for the Moment.
I love Family Christian because they offer a wide variety of Christian materials at great prices. They always have some great deals!
This is an important holiday that celebrates an amazing person who really made a difference in history. It’s crucial we teach our children all about MLK and what he stood for!
This is a great craft to make with the kids when they learn all about Martin Luther King. It is so important to teach our kids history.
I like Family Christian because there is something there for every member of the family – mom, dad, teen, kid.
This looks like an awesome book and craft. Dr. King was a great man and human being. The lessons he taught should be mandatory around the globe. However, we often get so caught up on the fairy tales that people like to speak about and not teach about the entire man. He had some many layers to him and that’s what makes him great.
Sounds like a wonderful book and that craft is such a great idea! I have a few plans for Martin Luther King Day, but I think we may include your craft.
I like their selection of Bibles!
Wow!!! This is such an awesome giveaway!!!!! Sounds like a fantastic book 🙂
What a great post this is! The craft and book look great! It really reminds me of how far our country came and how proud I am today of it. Thank you for sharing.
He definitely was an important part of our history. Your great post is just a reminder of such a refreshing man. Thanks
I love that hand print craft! I just checked out the Family Christian site and I love the Peanuts nativity figures!
What a great craft for the kids to do!! I have gotten some great gifts at Family Christian before!
I think it is awesome that you are teaching your kids that it is not okay to hate. It is important for all our children to know about Martin Luther King and the how he change history as well as all the hero’s of that era. Thanks for sharing. I am going to have to check out Family Christian’s website and share it with my family members who have little ones,
These are some great crafts to do with kids to teach them all about equality.
I absolutely love these idea. I will be trying these crafts with my daughters
I love the variety of music they offer and they have good prices.
We love the books and music at Family Christian, and the staff are so friendly.
I love Family Christian Store for their member deals.
I love the Christian movies!
I love all the great Christian items they offer. My favorite are the Willow Tree items.
I love the assortment of products they carry 🙂
– great Christian items
– variety of books