“This is a sponsored post with Doctor On Demand. All opinions are my own.”
Normally when I am sick I just stick it out in hopes that eventually with time I will get better. Taking all 5 kids with me to the doctors is not something that I like to do, it is very stressful. Especially if I am not feeling well. It would be ideal if a there was a service where busy moms could see a doctor from the comfort of their own home. What if I were to tell you there is a service! No I am not joking, there really is!
Doctor On Demand provides video visits from US-licensed physicians anytime, anywhere. Available for Web, iPhone, iPad and Android. Allowing physicians, psychologists and lactation consultants to provide focused care – without you having to leave your home. With Video, they can look, listen, and engage with you to diagnose your issues and provide an effective treatment plan.
When I have had a cold in the past the last thing I want to do it drag myself to the doctors and sit and wait to be seen by a doctor. With cold and flu season right around the corner, now is the time to sign up for Doctor on Demand. They offer board-certified physicians that can diagnose and treat through a video visit from the comfort of your home.
I found the whole process very easy and convenient. When you’re not feeling well who wants to get out of bed and wait in a waiting room at the doctors office? I just want to stay in bed. Then there are times when you or someone in your family needs medical attention after doctor hours, there is no need to wait for the next day to seek help from Doctors on Demand.
Download the app or access Doctor On Demand on your smartphone or desktop computer, register an account and participate in a Video Visit with the service. Typical medical / physician video visits are $40.00 but you can experience your first visit FREE using promo code BLESSINGS.
“This is a sponsored post with Doctor On Demand. All opinions are my own.” Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

What a great service this is. I would definitely use this if I were unable to get out to see my doctor for some reason.
Having four kids I have needed a dr right away a lot of times. This would really be a handy thing to have when needed.
And how awesome is it not to have to drag the other kids out when just one of them is sick?
Doctor on Demand sounds like a great service. It’s good to know that there is someone who can attend to your concerns when you can’t get out to go to a clinic or hospital.
We use Dr on Demand and another service alot. Which one we use depends on our needs because they are slightly different. The last thing I want to do is have my kids sit in a waiting room of sick people (especially if the reason they are there is not because they are sick). Plus it is so much easier for all when a child is unbearably ill and they can stroll out of bed in their jammies and speak to a doctor.
My family and I use Dr on Demand and another service alot. It depends on our needs (because they are all slightly different). I highly recommend them all the time.
Since I am super sick right now I could use this so much! I think I have a sinus infection due to being sop stressed lately.
That is really handy. It would be especially helpful when the weather is bad!
Oh my goodness! I’ve not tried a video doctor visit but I’m willing to give it a try. The best part for me would be not leaving the comfort of my home! It’s sounds like an awesome concept!
Doctor on Demand is so convenient! I love being able to get medical care without having to leave my home.
What a cool way to visit the doctor. I would much rather ask a doctor if what I’m feeling require s a trip to the ER or not.
I just love having options like this available when life is so busy. So glad I can get my first appointment free!
This is interesting. For me, I’d prefer to see or talk to my doctor who knows my history.
This is so great for when your kids are sick and you have a question. Then you don’t need to drag the sick kid out of the house and potentially infect others.
It’s so nice that you can get such a personal healthcare experience from home. I love that you can choose a doctor and see their availability.
Looks like a great app to have around. I like how easy it is to use. Makes the process more enjoyable.
This would have come in so handy recently. Sadly our internet was down while we were sick – two whammies at the same time!
This would solve the necessity for visits to your doctor for a simple cold or the flu–or a mad dash to the ER in the middle of the night with a sick child-if course you may end up there anyway depending on what they say or think.
Totally need this service! With 6 kids it is hard to get to my own appointments.
This sounds like a great and convenient app. It really amazes me how technology connects us all.
What a necessary service. I would definitely use something like this!
This could really come in handy, especially for those of us who bad winter days and can’t leave the house.
Wow, this article is really something!
I am always amazed at how far technology keeps progressing.
Doctors on Demand sounds like a fantastic service. I will have to give it a try the next time i need a Doctor.
I love that concept. Anything that makes things easier on us busy mamas. Three cheers for times savers!
This is such a great service. My husband and I have both used used this when our regular doctors office was closed. I was surprised how quick and easy it was to talk to with a doctor.