Backyard Beauty…. (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky


Once in a while we will spot one of these beauties on our back patio. This Cuban Knight Anole enjoyed sunbathing on my kids swing set. From nose to tip of tail it was about 16 inches long. 

cuban knight anole, Florida, Lizards


What backyard beauties do you have in your yard? 


What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks!    

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  1. No lizards, just quail or pigeons. Nothing as interesting as your little fellow!

  2. Coyotes, owls, birds of all kinds, bunnies. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Great photo. We just get stray cats.

  4. We have a cement back yard so we really don’t get anything cool like this in our yard. We do get the occasional squirrel though…

  5. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Thankfully we don’t have those around here. We have icky snakes, though.

  6. Whoo great shot 🙂

    Thanks for hosting..

  7. such a beautiful vibrant green!

  8. Cool photo.

  9. Oh how neat to see those in your own yard! what a beautiful colour!

  10. We don’t have a backyard..but that’s a really eye catching reptile.

  11. We’ve got a goat on the loose this morning at the neighbors! What a beautiful lizard!

  12. Let’s see…foxes, raccoons, various cats, possum, lots of birds including hawks to hummingbirds, squirrels, snakes, moles, chipmunks, bats, wood bees, wasps and yellow jackets…Can you tell we live in the South??

    Your anole is cool!

  13. Green and lovely!

  14. How cute! My boys would be begging to keep him as a pet!

  15. Cool lizard! And nice shot! 🙂 Joined up your linky.

    Found you via OMHGWW.

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