Slithering Across (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With Linky



Our back yard butts up to a preserve area. It has it’s pro’s and con’s. When it rains it can get flooded and the mosquitoes tend to like this area which makes it difficult to enjoy our small back yard area but one of the pro’s is that we get a lot of amazing wildlife.  From cardinals, woodpeckers, Cuban Knight Anoles, blue-jays and snakes. It is definitely nature up close! We recently had this Black Racer slither across our patio. I hung out underneath the swing set and for a while stared at the kids through the back sliding door. 

black racer snake 1


black racer 2


What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks! 



  1. Ewwww…I am not a snake person.

  2. I HATE snakes! Creepy!

  3. Nice and safe behind the door is the best. Im like you, dont like snakes!!

  4. You are so brave! If this is me I would pack up and move house!

  5. Oh my goodness! I would have been screaming LOL

  6. Wow, interesting. Got to love nature.

  7. Ashley Sears says:

    As much as I love nature and animals, I think seeing that little fella so suddenly would scare the life out of me.

  8. Jenna Wood says:

    We had something similar slither into our neighbors garage- we live in a condo….so that’s not good for us! I have to say the color of this snake is gorgeous though!

  9. Eek, I would be so scared!!

  10. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    These are great photos. I will have to check out the link up.

  11. this is a great photo. I love snakes. I live in the city so i do not see many.

  12. What a great shot. I am to scared of snakes to take this picture. I would have run away.

  13. Ewww, not a snake person. Would not like that!

  14. Snakes creep me out but my kids are totally fine with them. They even liked holding them at museums.

  15. I wouldn’t think of seeing a snake as a good thing, other than a good photo opportunity for Wordless Wednesday.

  16. Michelle Hwee says:

    Oh my that is creepy… I didn’t even notice it at first. I would have freaked out!

  17. Interesting, a black racer. Here in the Mojave Desert where I am at in SoCal, we have red racers.

  18. I’ll take the Blue Jays over the snakes any day! ewwwwwwwwwww they are too too gross and slimy, sneaky creatures. Not to mention DISGUSTING! EWWWWW GROSS!

  19. i am soooo not a snake girl.

  20. Hope you used the zoom lens to take this photo. Are black racers poisonous?

  21. Umm..eeek!! Seriously creepy!!

  22. It sounds like you have quite the activity in your backyard. I would jump if I saw that snake!

  23. Aack! I am with you — watch from the door. My daughter would love it, though.

  24. Yikes! I would have freaked out seeing that snake. I don’t have a wordless wednesday post, but I’m thinking I might start one soon, so I’ll be back. πŸ™‚

  25. I hate to be the dissenting vote, but I like snakes πŸ™‚ They are very skilled at keeping the rodents away here where I live.

  26. What a cute little snake πŸ™‚

  27. Ugh, I have a very strong disliking for snakes! They make my skin crawl!
    Happy WW!

  28. Ummmmmmm Ew.

  29. as long as it is not venom filled – I am totally okay with sharing my space with slithering nature! ha.
    And it occurs to me that I have not actually seen a snake in the wild in a long long time. Never even in my own garden, but surely there must be some there?!!

  30. I’ll keep my distance, thank you! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for linking up at Life at Rossmont.

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