Best Seat In The House? (Almost) Wordless Wednesday



Our homeschooling is never a dull moment. My oldest son was reading on the couch and the baby climbed up on top of his head! Guess she thought this was a good seat?  Best seat in the house maybe? 


joy on jaydens head

What’s your Wordless Wednesday? Share by linking up below – G rated only please. Please do not link up giveaways as this is a Wordless Wednesday linky only. All giveaways will be deleted. Please feel free to come back Saturday and link up your giveaways then! Thanks! 



  1. They are really cute kids!!!

  2. Haha! Typcial day of a sibling… LOL

  3. Haha, kids will always keep you laughing…thanks for joining OMHG Wordless Wednesday!


  4. LOL, such a precious capture! Thanks for the good laugh…
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  5. Too cute!! I love watching my kids interact with each other! 🙂

  6. Very cute.

  7. ha that’s my house! Except I’m reading and my son is climbing on me:)

  8. Double adorable!

  9. Haha, reminds me of home 🙂

  10. loves siblings with a sense of humor. very cute and fun

  11. Always good to see siblings having a bit of fun with one another even if it is a bit distracting and not in line with what they should be doing. Makes for wonderful memories as beautifully captured here.

  12. What an adorable picture. I bet her big brother didn’t mind one bit. Probably kind of fun.

  13. Oh my how cute. Who knew big brother’s head was so comfy.

  14. Aww she wanted to bond with her brother the only way she knew how at that moment. So cute.

  15. That’s too cute!

  16. So cute! 🙂 My kids used to wear (clean) diapers on their heads…..

    Hope your pregnancy is going well!

  17. lol – looks like our house! Have a wonderful week Nicole.

  18. Oh how this pic brings back memories of when my girls were little!

    So Sweet!

  19. oh my goodness. That’s so funny! And what cuties. 🙂

  20. Awww bless! Your son is so amazing for letthing his sister do this to him =P

  21. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Your kids are so cute and your big guy is such a good sport to let her crawl on him like that 🙂

  22. Let’s hope nothing was in that diaper. HA HA!

  23. How cute!

  24. I remember all the fun times my kids had when they were younger while I was home schooling them. There was lots of horsing around amidst a great amount of learning.

  25. Kids do funny things and you’re right there is never a dull moment in the life of a home school family.

  26. Never a dull moment with children around. I get to have my grandson all to myself from the 1st to the 11th of July. Isn’t that the coolest? Woo Hoo I can hardly wait!

  27. Kids eh? Who’d have ’em!

  28. So cute. Love the smiles. 😉

  29. I love it! And I love it that big brother is totally okay with it too!

  30. Thank you for hosting!! Have a great night! xx

  31. Haha that can’t be too comfortable! What a cute picture!

  32. LOL = priceless!! perfect capture.
    my youngest used to do this to her older brother all the time. he would just laugh when she was this age, but now they are 10 and 5 and she still will try to do it him, whenever she wants to irk him. He doesn’t find it as funny now. LOL

  33. haha! kids are so funny when they are getting along!

  34. This is a super sweet photo. I sometimes wonder if I could homeschool and how I could juggle it.

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