5 Simple Ways To Relieve Stress #StressLess2BmyBest


Life is busy. There is hardly any down time. With five children that are nine years and younger, homeschooling, taking care of normal household duties (cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking), being the “taxi” taking kids to choir practice as well as their other activities and on and on the list goes.  I am a mom like many moms, a mom that wears many hats!


mom hats

Wearing so many hats can be stressful. Don’t get me wrong I would not trade it for the world but it can get overwhelming. So so how does this busy mom find relief from stress?


stress relief


My husband is wonderful, he goes to work to provide for our family so I am able to stay home and homeschool. He knows that staying home can be stressful so he gives me back or foot massages. Most of the time I have knots in my back from the stress and he is great at getting them out! 




I do not have the stress of shoveling snow or having to bundle five kids up in winter gear. I am so thankful that I live in Florida the beach is only a short drive away.  Sitting on the shore while listening and watching the waves roll in would make anyone stress free. 




Believe it or not writing makes me calm. It is my alone time where I can sit and write on my  blog about everyday life.  I tend to write late at night or early in the morning when the kids are still sleeping. With no interruptions! 




I could drink iced coffee anytime of the day. It is one of my weaknesses and it is a nice way to indulge.  Sipping on a nice cool glass of iced coffee and taking a five minute time out for myself in the craziness of my day is a way I find relief frequently.


Rescue Pastilles 1

Lastly a new way I found to relieve stress is by using RESCUE Pastilles. These chewy pastille lozenges are a wonderful natural/homeopathic option that are alcohol-free and made with natural ingredients. Perfect to keep in a handbag or diaper bag for on the go for stress outside the home.


These wonderful products are very convenient and easy to use, coming in a variety of forms:

~ RESCUE Pastilles

~ RESCUE Sleep Liquid Melts

~ RESCUE Pearls


rescue up close


RESCUE stress relief products are easy to find.  Available now in the US at CVS, Walgreens, Whole Foods, Sprouts and wherever you find natural products!


How do you manage your stress?  


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. Mama to 5 Blessings is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 


  1. Massages! Beach! These are my kinds of ways to reduce stress! Seriously though I picking up Resuce the other day and am so excited to give it a try!

  2. I’m a fan of afternoon naps to unwind and relieve any stress that has built up. Usually works perfectly!

  3. I love Bach’s Rescue Remedy! I haven’t seen these yet. I’ll be on the lookout!

  4. Oh I hope it gets warm enough soon for a day at the beach. For me I tend to turn to chocolate when I am stressed. Not a good choice for my waistline but it works.

  5. Massages are awesome stress relievers. I also enjoy a nice, long bath to get the stress out.

  6. I think you have the answer to stress relief all tied up. Who wouldn’t love a massage or a visit to the beach! Rescue sounds great too. The name really fits.

  7. I love Rescue! I am SO stressed at all times, and Rescue really helps with it. Plus, you can’t beat all natural.

    • Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

      I’m glad to hear it works well for you. I will most certainly have to give them a try!

  8. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    My hubby gives the worst massages LOL. He is good at rubbing my feet, though, so that makes up for it 🙂

  9. I love the RESCUE products but a trip to the beach sounds amazing too. Definitely much better than our snow.

  10. Why have I not seen these before? Thanks for bringing them to my attention!

  11. I need to pick these up next time I’m at CVS. Thanks for sharing, I am always going a million different directions and know that stress stuff all to well.

  12. I like reading, listening to music, or watching a movie. Lately, I’ve been watching comedy specials on Netflix, too. Laughing is a great stress relief!

  13. If only I could get a massage, haha! Looks like it’s the Rescue Pastilles for me.

  14. I am incredibly jealous of your beach excursions this time of year! The beach is my favorite place on the planet…where I relax, regroup, and regenerate. I’m curious about the RESCUE pastilles. I like that they are made from all natural ingredients!

  15. Massage and me time is my destresser. I need more of both this week. (Enjoy that sunshine!)

  16. I’ve never heard of these! I will have to get some for when I can’t have a massage… And it’s been WAY too long since I’ve set foot on a beach!

  17. I LOVE getting massages, they are definitely my favorite way to relax. Of course I also love the beach. I’m not a fan of iced coofee though :-(. I have not seen those pastilles anywhere, I ‘ll have to keep an eye out on my next trip to CVS.

  18. I needed to read this! Especially this week, thank you for sharing 🙂

  19. I could use these right now, I just screamed at my daughter b/c she interrupted me while i was trying to work. I was shopping with her and a friend all day, I am frazzled.

  20. This is true. I am always stress when i don’t get everything done and sometimes I just let it go because I need a break.

  21. I love the beach. These are great tips for handling stress.

  22. Those rescue pastilles I found in Panama and loved them wish they were sold in the USA

  23. foot massage works for me every time… I think I will have to get a machine to do it

  24. I have some of those but I haven’t used them yet. I’m going to go and pull them out of my medicine cabinet and give them a try

  25. Someday, I will get to experience a relaxing massage. In the meantime, I rely on daily exercise. But, I am also dying to get my hands on a box of these rescue pastilles.

  26. Massages are such a great way to relax. There’s nothing like getting a professional massage, but one from hubby will do too.

  27. Debbie Denny says:

    Sounds great. I like writing too.Throw in a foot rubbing and all is good

  28. I love boxing and kickboxing to relieve stress. But I’m intrigued with these drops!

  29. I’m going to have to grab these for sure. Great share!

  30. Jess Weaver says:

    Envious that you don’t have to shovel snow and the beach is only a short distance from you. I will have to give these drops a try!

  31. Reading is a great way for me to chill out for a while. Exercise in the morning helps a lot too!

  32. Massages are always a great stress reliever. I am going to try these products out!

  33. Massage would be a great stress relief!! I also find walking or exercise is awesome too!

  34. The beach always helps me to calm down and get less stressful. Nothing is more peaceful than watching the waves and sitting in the sun.

  35. I love Bach products! I will have to try these out next time I am feeling extra stressful.

  36. Oh, yes! I would gladly take a message. My favorite way to balance myself is a daily walk. Blood pumping, heart beating and fresh air help me so much!

  37. How nice that your husband is willing to give you massages. I drink coffee once a week, and it does relieve the stress. I also like going for a walk.

  38. Some great ideas! I just have to pop in a movie to relax.

  39. These are some great tips for relieving stress. I didn’t even know that these were available.

  40. I need all of them – massage, beach trip and rescue! Stress is a silent killer! Glad there are natural ways to help with stress.

  41. I have been hearing a lot about Rescue lately. I need to check it out.

  42. I love natural/homeopathic remedies because they come with “no side effect” feature. I am going to try rescue stress relief products.

  43. If I had access to a beach, I don’t know if I ever would be stressed! I’d either sit there and just listen to the waves, or I’d go for a walk. That’s the ultimate stress-reliever!

  44. I listen to a lot of meditation tracks. I also like listening to light classical music.

  45. I’m totally with you on the writing thing! Give me a cup of hot coffee, a quiet room and more computer and that is the perfect stress reliever for me! – katy

  46. The beach is definitely my stress-relief.. And being outside with my chickens! Something about them clucking and scratching is calming. 🙂

  47. Thanks for these tips. As a work at home mom of three boys I tend to always find myself stressed.

  48. I have to be honest. I was surprised by how much I liked these! Great product.

  49. I’ve had this product in the gum form! I chewed the entire box and went back for more! I am horrible at alleviating stress.

  50. Oh wow what lovely ways to destress for sure. I especially like the back massage. My hubby does a great job too. I am a coffee addict too so I can relate for sure! That Resue product looks awesome too. Have to check that one out for sure!

  51. Goodness! Could it be this easy?! I need these in bulk, please! LOL

  52. Massages are just great and so relaxing. I would love to test this product as I cannot have a massage every day

  53. I’d sure love a massage, especially on the beach! Alas, I think the only relief I will be getting is from RESCUE!

  54. I am with you on the beach – I just wish I lived nearer to one. Rescue Remedy however has got me through many situations good to see they are doing pastels.

  55. I like to go for walks if I’m stressed out. I’ll also drink a glass of wine and take a bath listening to my favorite music.

  56. Massages. Massages and nice relaxing music that is. I like relaxing.

  57. Most of my stress comes from my environment so i like to leave my homework space and work from a cafe or even take a walk throughout the days. By doing this and seeing other people , i realize the world is a lot bigger than my problems

  58. I saw your first photo and I was wondering when did you take a picture of me!! I need this by the truckloads!!!! Thanks for the tips, will be doing more beach and demanding massages

  59. Yes! Massages and The beach would be amazing. I’ve been hearing such great things about rescue too, I want to try!

  60. I feel like the beach is the best stress reliever out there

  61. Any massage would be great for me to get rid of my stress, along with a nice bath.

  62. Rest is the best way for me to relieve stress. Thanks for these other tips.

  63. I love that 1st photo of you! THAT is exactly how I feel a good portion of the week! I think it’s high time I get a bit un-stressed for sure!

  64. This stuff really works. I’ve been using it for years and it does the trick to reduce stress.

  65. Ann Bacciaglia says:

    I like to relax in a long hot bath. If i have a good book i can get lost in it is even better. Massages are a great way to relax.

  66. I’re read so much about this Bach’s for stress Leif – – I have it ready to order now! Thanks again – I do want that massage tho! lol

  67. These seems to be great ways to relief ourselves from stress and we all need that.

  68. The beach is my happy place. I can’t see the other side of the water and it makes me feel small. I need that feeling to recenter my life and keep going. I’m so happy warm weather is back!

  69. I usually try to listen to music or meditate to relax, but these lozenges sound great for when I am on the go and need to relax.

  70. I need to find these soon. I so need to destress. The beach is my destressing place but sadly I haven’t been there in a while.

  71. I manage my stress by writing, cooking, exercising, and trying to get outside. However, I’m going to try your suggestions next time!

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