My daughter joined the kids choir last year at church. I am so proud of her. She is doing such a great job. With so many practices she just pushes through and sings her heart out! What a blessing to watch her and to hear her!
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That is wonderful! I lead the choir at my school and it is such a joy to hear children’s angelic voices.
Awww, that is fantastic. I am so glad she is enjoying it.
Looks like shes really into it. Congratulations =)
How cute!! Love it..
Oh …..My…..Gosh… sweet it is!!! They are all so cute and I bet they sounded great!!
Have a great day!
You must be so proud of her to be able to sing in the choir. HAppy WW
Very nice.
My three girls were in the choir in primary school and it was always a joy to watch/listen to.
very nice to see these pics.Seems they all are very talented!
Oh, those pictures are precious! Your daughter is adorable!
Well, she’s just too darn cute! Don’t you just love these memorable moments that you can save and you know some day you’ll pull them out again to tease her with them… lol I do it all the time. I know I’m terrible, but we all laugh!
I remember trying to sing for the school choir. I got so nervous that I got sick. She looks like a real champ up there.
Keep singing your heart out, darlin’!
Seeing your own kids perform on stage like this is so fun. It’s amazing how hard they work together to make the performances happen.
She’s definitely a beauty!
There is something very special about children’s choirs
How wonderful – you must be very proud of her!
Holy cow they are all so adorable!
Awww, how sweet! Singing kids are so cute!
I loved being in a choir when I was a child. Good on her for joining and loving it. She looks like such a sweetheart! Jx
My boy in kinder just had his first recital. He had been singing all the songs for months. Got up on the stage and just stood there! LOL
She’s such a cutie singing up there! And that’s great she sings for the church. It’s good for little ones to know Christian songs – instead of all the secular ones they play nowadays!
Aw, she’s such a cutie pie! 🙂
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
How precious! She does look like she is enjoying it.
She looks darling! I love to see the kids performing/singing on stage too. It’s even more fun when they love doing it!