Last week my boys and I did a unit study on the book The Legend of the Candy Cane.
One dark November night a stranger rides into a small prairie town. Who is he? Why has he come? The townspeople wish he were a doctor, a dressmaker, or a trader. But the children have the greatest wish of all, a deep, quiet wish. Then a young girl named Lucy befriends the newcomer. When he reveals his identity and shares with her the legend of the candy cane, she discovers the fulfillment of her wishes and the answer to the town’s dreams. Now will she share what she has learned? Recommended for ages 4 to 8. A story about faith and the history of the Candy Cane.
We started off my doing a lapbook (free), I printed certain pages for my 7 year old and certain pages for my 5 year old in each of their lapbooks. We spent the week reading the book and working daily on our lapbook which included the history of the candy cane, Bible verses, vocabulary, math and handwriting
Plus we made Peppermint Playdoh using the recipe that came with the printable from the lapbook.
1 Cup Salt
2 Cups Water
2 Cups Flour
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
4 tablespoons of oil
4 tablespoons peppermint extract
Mix all the ingredients together, cook on medium heat stirring with wooden spoon constantly until mixture pulls from the sides of the pan. From into a ball on wax paper till cooled and then store in ziploc bags. I seperated mine into 4 balls and in 4 bags, 1 bag for each of my kids.
We ended our study with making Mint Chocolate Truffle Cookies using the printable recipe that came with the lapbook – I did modify mine because I never read directions so mine were made a bit differently. Here are my directions:
6 squares of semi-sweet chocolate
3/4 cup ( 1 1/2 sticks of butter)
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1 3/4 cups of flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 cups crushed candy canes
My version was just to mix all the ingredients together until completely blended. Add the crushed candy cane pieces and mix again. You can leave in one big ball or separate into cookies and refrigerate for 24 hours and then bake on 350 for 10-12 minutes.
This was a super fun way to get into the Christmas mood especially since the book all surrounded Jesus!
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