Push pins

My husband brought home some foam that they were throwing out from work, this is not styrofoam – it doesn’t crumble up in pieces everywhere. So we are using it in different ways to teach & for fun! We have done the styrofoam with the golf tee’s but I find the push pins work best, easier for their little hands to push through! Here is one way we used it yesterday.

I took a coloring page out of one of my kids coloring book, pinned it to the styrofoam, them with complete supervision I gave my tot some push pins to trace the sea creatures (we are learning about sea animals this week).
When he was done with that we did push pin patterns.


  1. neat idea…you have so many cute ones!

  2. fun idea. my girls would have fun with pins and foam!! thanks for stopping by my blog too!

  3. Great idea! I love getting stuff from work that you can use at home!

  4. What a great idea! I dont know where you come up with these ideas!

  5. My boys love to do stuff like that. At some point I need to find more push pins.

  6. How creative!! I’m impressed!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Your kiddos are adorable! 😉

  7. Hi! Thank you so much for following my blog! I hope you enjoy it! I am now following your blog as well!

    ~ Katie G.

  8. good idea, except I just see those precious chubby hands and I think… ouch! I hope she didn’t get pricked!

    thanks for stopping by my place. I’m looking forward to knowing you 🙂

    amy in peru

  9. Hey Nicole!
    It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for checking me out! I love your ideas and will probably snag one or two to use in my homeschool.

  10. What a great idea!

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